On Sunday, ABC’s This Week was caught off guard with the news that Democratic Senator Joe Manchin is a “firm no” on the passage of Biden’s “Build Back Better” bill. During a panel discussion on the Biden Administration’s plummeting approval numbers, chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl was left to break the bad news to the left-leaning panel.
Publication: NewsBusters
Titleist Rejects “Let’s Go Brandon” on Custom Golf Balls
Move over, Big Tech. Titleist, the company that boasts of making the No. 1 ball in golf, is now part of the corporate censorship movement. Titleist will allow you the opportunity to order customizable golf balls with anti-Trump statements, but don’t even think about using “Let’s Go, Brandon!”
Liberal Baltimore Sun Nukes Conservative Columnist Cal Thomas
One thing is certain, liberal media outlets become even more liberal. Case in point: The Baltimore Sun just dropped syndicated columnist and wildly popular conservative writer Cal Thomas.
Brian Williams Signs Off from MSNBC with Nasty Goodbye and Absurd Tributes
Saying he only has “regrets” that are “too few to mention,” the scandal-ridden journalist compared himself to George Bailey as, before and during his final show, he was inundated with “lovely testimonials” that referred to him as “a gift to the country” filled with “grace,” “integrity,” “kindness,” “smarts,” “wisdom,” and “wit.”
CNN Continues Coverup of Don Lemon Tipping Off Smollett on Police Not Buying Story
CNN was finally forced to fire Chris Cuomo over the extensive assistance the prime-time host provided to brother Andrew regarding his various scandals. So you might think that “The Most Trusted Name in News” would be on high alert to avoid any similar journalistic malpractice by its anchors.
CNN Pundit Has “Separation Anxiety” from Brian Williams, Compares Lara Logan to Drug Addict
Former Baltimore Sun media reporter David Zurawik is a regular guest on Brian Stelter’s Reliable Sources show, in part because his shameless hatred of Fox News and Trump, but also because of his slavish adoration of liberal-media stars.
Chris Cuomo Silent on Journalistic Malpractice in Helping Bro, Spews Hypocrisy
CNN went ahead and allowed Prime Time host Chris Cuomo to do his show Monday night under a darkening cloud of mistrust and scandal.
MSNBC Aghast Over Rittenhouse Verdict
In the hours after the jury found Rittenhouse not guilty on Friday of all the criminal charges the prosecution leveled against him, MSNBC threw a pity party of sorts by inviting radical activists on-air to disparage the jury, judge and Rittenhouse as evidence the country was determined to protect “white supremacist” “terrorists.”
Soulless Joy Reid Dismisses Inflation as GOP “Buzzword”
MSNBC’s The ReidOut host Joy Reid decided on Wednesday to channel NBC chief business correspondent Stephanie Ruhle in dismissing the economic pain Americans are facing amid rising inflation, calling it a “buzzword bandwagon” by Republicans who “want you to believe the economy isn’t doing well” when it’s “not bad” and people “are also spending a record amount of money.”
Gag: ABC Sympathizes with 1619 Project Author
Nikole Hannah-Jones was given yet another opportunity by the media today to smear her critics and avoid taking blame for her historically inaccurate “1619 Project.” On ABC’s Good Morning America Monday, co-anchor Robin Roberts did damage control for the New York Times journalist-activist, praising her as an unfairly maligned messenger of “truth.”
Newsweek Editor Blasts Lib Media “Elites” for Weaponizing “Wokeness”
Newsweek deputy opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon left quite an impression during an appearance on Sunday’s Reliable Sources as she politely went at it with CNN host Brian Stelter over how the “highly affluent, highly educated liberal elites” both in the media and the left generally have weaponized “wokeness” against the “working-class of all races” in America.
NJ Republican Ciattarelli Stuns Corrupt Press and Breaks Through Media Censors
ABC, CBS and NBC buried the race and, over five months, only ONCE even uttered the name Ciattarelli on their morning or evening newscasts. Ciattarelli won the Republican nomination on June 8, 2021, and the total coverage over the next 153 days (before Tuesday night), is a scant 50 seconds. (Thirty nine seconds on CBS and 11 on ABC.)
ESPN Going After Atlanta Braves’ “Chop on” Cheer
The politically correct social justice warriors have already pressured two major sports franchises into changing their allegedly racist nicknames because they want to right “the wrongs committed against Native peoples.” Now, they’re after the Atlanta Braves.
Does Alec Baldwin Deserve Decency?
In the spirit of Christian charity or “shared humanity,” yes. But armed with the memory of Baldwin’s long record of indecency, that would be extremely kind and merciful.
Major Networks Refuse to Cover New Migrant Caravan Careening Toward U.S.
Over the weekend, a new migrant caravan numbering in the thousands continued its march toward the U.S. Within the next few weeks it will pose a major national security threat and further exacerbate the Biden border crisis. Despite all that, this story was ignored on Monday’s broadcast network morning newscasts as well as CNN and MSNBC.
Al Roker Swoons Over Unhinged Climate Radical Greta Thunberg
On NBC’s 3rd Hour Today on Tuesday, weatherman Al Roker conducted a gushing interview with radical climate crusader Greta Thunberg, hailing her as “the face of the climate movement.”…The left-wing media infatuation with Thunberg has been going on for years and shows no signs of abating any time soon, especially as reporters press Democrats to shove through a costly environmental agenda.
WashPost Style Guide Updated to Curtail the Exclusionary Use of “Pregnant Women”
The change was announced on Twitter on Friday afternoon by Travis Lyles, the Post‘s new “Instagram editor.” The tweet was then made private (vanished from public sight). The tweet sort of died in darkness.
NPR Used “Pregnant People” or “Person” Seven Times in Article
NPR achieved something truly “woke” in a story on Thursday. Jaclyn Diaz wrote an entire story on pregnant mothers and vaccines without ever using the word “woman” or “women,” but using “pregnant people” or “pregnant person” seven times.
007 Is Not a Chick: Daniel Craig Leaves Wokesters Shaken and Stirred
Prior to the COVID pandemic, and the resulting delay of No Time to Die, feminists and woke internet users had argued that making Bond a woman, or at the very least, a person of color, was the way to take the franchise into the brave, inclusive future. Well that idea was and always will be stupid. And Craig said the same in a recent interview with British outlet The Radio Times.
#EmmysSoLame in Post-Trump Era
Entertainment award shows are different in the post-Trump age. Gone are the loud and vulgar obscenities and rants against those who think differently than our woke betters in Hollywood. Award shows are back to being almost boring with a few randomly odd remarks sprinkled in that at least half of the viewers will find offensive.
How Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire Is Battling Back Against Biden’s Mandate
Whatever else this bit of Biden authoritarianism may be, it is a direct assault on a free press. The question is: Where exactly will all those aforementioned liberal media outlets come down? Will they be joining The Daily Wire in a fight to keep the Biden Administration from ordering newspapers and television networks to comply? Or will they simply stay silent and let the federal government tell them what they may or may not do?
Capitalization Is Oppression: Using Only Lower-Case Latest Act of Resistance
The LGBTQ movement has bastardized pronouns, now indigenous social justice warriors are coming for capital letters. This outlandish notion comes from Dr. Linda Manyguns, the new associate vice-president of Indigenization and Decolonization at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada.
CNN Cozies Up to Climate Alarmist
On Saturday morning, reacting to Hurricane Ida and other recent extreme weather events, CNN delivered its latest one-sided discussion of the global warming issue, allowing climate alarmist Michael Mann to have the floor for eight minutes to make his case. All CNN host Boris Sanchez offered was sympathetic prompts.
Spike Lee and HBO Were Going to Push Kooky 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Lee resembles a cinematic Al Sharpton – it doesn’t matter what kind of unproven conspiracy theories he’s pushing, or who that hurts. He’s a wealthy black celebrity “down with the struggle,” so all is forgiven, over and over again.