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Kamala Is Nowhere to Be Seen with Election Day Less Than Two Months Away

Kamala Harris LOOOOOOOVES democracy so much she’s refusing to speak to the people she wants to vote for her. She has done three — three! — interviews since July 21 and has held zero — zero! — press conferences. It’s the same strategy from Biden’s 2020 run. Hide the candidate in the basement and hope that the legacy media will cooperate and go easy.

Michael Cohen’s Testimony Proves He’s the King of Liars

By Jonathan Turley: Cohen has lied to Congress, courts, special counsels, the IRS, the banks, and virtually every creature that walks or crawls on the face of the Earth. Notably, his past conviction for business and tax fraud were not taken in the interests of Trump but himself.

Trump and Melania Have a Genuine Love

New York Post

People who hate the president can’t believe anyone could love him…Yet those who attended the state dinner for Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday tell a very different story. They say the affection between the first couple is genuine, demonstrative and mutually respectful behind the scenes.