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Alabama and Georgia Abortion Laws Target Roe v. Wade — and Rightfully So

National Review

We are witnessing the beginnings of an anti-abortion legislative revolution in Red America. Two generations of pro-life activism, persuasion, and argument have yielded pro-life supermajorities in state houses across much of the South and Midwest, and they recognize the fact that we have reached a moment of legal possibility we may never attain again — perhaps not for generations.

Texas Shooting and Gun Ownership

National Review

Rich Lowry: Small towns might not even have a police department, and the police tend to be for after-the-fact investigations rather than real-time responses…In swaths of the country, a gun isn’t an optional extra layer of self-protection but a necessary first defense. 

Fire Steve Bannon

National Review

David French: If the president wants to take decisive action to distance himself from America’s most hateful elements, there is one thing he can do today: He can fire Steve Bannon, the man who gave them a platform.