It could send millions to Europe.
Publication: National Review
On Ferguson, Elizabeth Warren and Kamal Lied About Michael Brown
David French: Their falsehoods were immoral, divisive, and quite possibly unlawful.
Immigration Restriction Is Not Hate
It can’t be that the only respectable position on immigration, safe for the general public, is whatever the Democrats’ center of gravity on the issue is at any given time.
“My Family Has Been Threatened by Racists. Why Should They Outgun Me?”
David French: The right to effective self-defense has never been more important.
The FBI Crushed the Klan and Should Target Violent White Supremacists Today
They are domestic subversives and terrorists, and deserve to be treated as such.
Confronting the Evil Ideology of White Supremacy
President Trump, a man who is comfortable using his bully pulpit for the most frivolous of reasons, should take the time to condemn these actions…Simultaneously, the president should work with Congress to devote more resources to infiltrating, tracking, and foiling nascent plots…and he should instruct the federal government to initiate an information campaign against white-supremacist violence in much the same way as it has conducted crusades against drunk driving, human trafficking, and domestic violence.
Biden Survives, So Biden Wins
If Wednesday night’s debate doesn’t do any damage to Joe Biden’s numbers, he will probably cruise to the nomination.
Dem Debate: Warren and Sanders Stand Pat, But Look Out for Marianne
A lot of us are laughing about Marianne Williamson, but there’s some of that same dynamic that drove Trump to the nomination in 2016. She’s a figure who’s famous for being connected to the entertainment world, who isn’t interested in policy details, and who emotes in a way that generates raucous applause from the audience.
College Does Not Make You a Better Person
There are a set of implications that, while rarely acknowledged openly, are present nevertheless: that those who do not go to college have in some way failed…that every time a person declines to attend college, he is making America a little stupider on aggregate; and, by extension, that people who lack college degrees but nevertheless are successful are not demonstrating an alternative way of living their lives so much as muddling through as best they can absent vital instruction from their superiors.
Mueller’s Bad Day
If this had been a confirmation hearing, he would have flunked.
Public Losing Interest in Special Counsel
Democrats are at the point where continuing to press the Mueller probe hurts them more than it hurts the president.
Progressives Are Convinced That Trump Is Toast
But that attitude may mean they’ll be burned again.
The South Is a Pro-Life Stronghold
David French: If slavery and Jim Crow are America’s original sin, abortion is America’s second great sin. It’s a regime of mass death, empowered by a Supreme Court elite and sustained by a culture of exploitation and indulgence.
The Democratic Party Is Turning from Trump to Fighting Each Other
Among Democrats these days, it’s a Hobbesian war of all against all. No, that’s not quite right. It’s more of a Seinfeldian war of imagined slights and peevish insults, a slap-fight of grievance and innuendo, a “you-started-it-no-you-started it” toddlers’ rodeo. It’s Mad Max beyond Blunderdome.
Men Literally Died for American Flag, You Idiots
They risked everything for it, not for some idea or abstraction but for the piece of fabric itself.
The Desire for Fake News Lives in All of Us
Before we can tackle the problem, we must admit that it is a problem of demand, rather than supply.
NYT’s Black-Film Roundtable Ignores Black American Excellence
The real history of black filmmaking counters the media’s current racial-grievance agenda.
How Can Presidential Candidates Be So Silly?
George Will: Many Democrats striving to replace Donald Trump are, while execrating him, paying him the sincerest form of flattery: imitation.
The Buttigieg Illusion
Buttigieg would seem perfect on paper to reach out beyond the woke white element of the party. This isn’t how he’s running, though.
Bernie’s Student Loan Debt Plan Is Unworkable
This is bad fiscal policy, bad education policy, and poisonous politics. If that is a foretaste of 2020, it is going to be an ugly scene.
The Most Educated and Politically Engaged Americans Know the Least About Opponents
David French: It turns out that the people who care the most about politics have the least understanding of their political opponents.
The Media’s Double Standard on Culture-War Controversies
We know why black Democrats who object to Buttigieg’s gay marriage aren’t called bigots. It would be political suicide.
Kamala’s Dreadful Record as San Francisco DA
Her tenure as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor reveals much about her character and judgment.
Kamala Runs for Queen
The California senator’s new immigration plan is a statement of her intent to govern through egregiously unconstitutional executive action.