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The Presidency Comes to a Close

National Review

Jim Geraghty: I’m not sure how much good it does for White House staffers to say, on background to reporters, that they are deeply concerned by the president’s mental state. If you really think the president of the United States is nuts or about to do something terrible, you probably ought to put your name on the accusation.

Weren’t We Supposed to Be in Post-Election Chaos by Now?

National Review

Our fellow citizens do stupid things all the time. But most Americans are not the idiots showing up on your social-media feed. Most people aren’t trying to build a personal brand, stir up an angry mob, or lead a revolution. They’re just trying to live their lives. And thus, we can start to ask . . . maybe Americans aren’t easily led to violence by heated rhetoric and maybe we’re not tightly wound rageaholics…

Vaccine Wariness Is Understandable But Misguided

National Review

Skeptics’ apprehension toward a vaccine produced in record time as a result of an unprecedentedly enormous, concerted effort to make it, one representing a remarkable new advance in medical technology, is very natural. It is not inherent proof of stupidity or paranoia for the average citizen to be, if not suspicious, then at least nervous about being inoculated with such a vaccine. It’s proof of humanity.

Trump Faces Critical Choice About His Political Future

National Review

Trump may be forced to choose whether he wishes to emulate Andrew Jackson, the aggrieved victim of the crooked bargain of 1824 that denied him victory in that year’s presidential election. Jackson stormed back in 1828 to an overwhelming populist victory. Otherwise, Trump would risk being reduced to the status of sore presidential losers such as Al Gore and Hillary.

Trump’s Disgraceful Gambit

National Review

Sidney Powell’s story is that the surprisingly strong Trump turnout “broke the algorithm” of the corrupted machines, and then the fraudulent ballots were desperately hauled in to make up the difference.This is lawyering worthy of the comments section of Breitbart.

Trump’s Staying Power

National Review

He will remain a fixture on Fox News and talk radio. His supporters will still consider him a legendary warrior, a totem of resistance to the media and the cultural elite. His endorsements will continue to be valuable, and ambitious 2024 candidates will seek to inherit his mantle.