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An Egregious Leak

National Review

We would take a backseat to no one in celebrating the monstrous abortion regime’s demise. But the Supreme Court’s restoration of constitutional order ought to accompany a restoration of the Court’s norms. The leak is intolerable and cannot go unpunished. And Roe should not stay on the books a moment longer.

Disney Is Throwing in the Towel in Florida

National Review

Disney, with the full weight of the showbiz culture behind it, thought it was playing with house money. What could go wrong by proclaiming yourself to be opposed to homophobia? Plenty, it turned out. American consumers are irritated with companies that take partisan political positions on controversial topics.

Biden Is Not Normal

National Review

Rich Lowry: A funny thing happened on the way to renewed normality — President Biden has engaged in one bizarre escapade after another as he’s crashed his presidency into the rocks of incompetence, tone-deafness, and stubbornly misplaced priorities.

Here’s What a Woman Is

National Review

 Sex is observable at birth, detectable long after death, and demonstrable in our chromosomes, gametes, and reproductive organs. We are reminded of our sex every time we go to the bathroom or look in a mirror. The sex of the vast majority of people is identifiable at a glance. Even as major American institutions become captured by ideologues who claim otherwise, we at National Review know this basic biological fact — that women are exclusively members of the female sex.