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Mike Rowe Isn’t Panicked Over Covid-19

Louder with Crowder

No, panic porn addicts, he is not in fact a scientist. Before you go acting like a snitch-ass little bitch to the authorities, he is in favor of masks and social distancing. He’s just come to terms with certain things…Rowe is polite about it. My way would be to tell people like Andrew Cuomo and CNN to choke on a bag of dicks.

The GOP Releases an Ad Attacking BLM

Louder with Crowder

Many of us have been waiting for the Republican Party to grow a set. ..The question is, what else are Republicans going to do with it? What is the party doing to run this as a commercial or get this off of the internet and in front of voters? That’s the question. Also as an aside, a slick commercial isn’t a substitute for actually enforcing laws.

J.K. Rowling Writes Powerful Essay Against Militant Transgender Activities

Louder with Crowder

Rowling is very much the social justice warrior type and in recent years has been a little obnoxious about it. But I’m not a believer in cancel culture. On this issue, Rowling is spot on, and considering her level of influence, her voice matters. Far too many people in media, entertainment, and academia have caved to societal pressure to conform or else. J.K. Rowling isn’t budging.