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Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties

Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover unit released a video exposing Dr. Jay Varma, former NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Senior Health Advisor during the Covid outbreak. While claiming full responsibility for NYC lockdown and vaccine policies, Dr. Varma elaborated that he didn’t follow his guidelines when it came to his personal urges, including  participating in sex orgies.

Florida Electric Vehicles Are Bursting into Flames After Hurricane Idalia

Louder with Crowder

You won’t hear about all the Florida electric cars bursting into flames. Apparently, when batteries get wet with salt water, they get as firey as a peaceful protest in 2020. And out of the 96,000 electric vehicles in Florida, there will be exactly zero media stories on stranded EV owners unable to charge their vehicles in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia. It doesn’t fit the corporate narrative.

Best Day Ever. Brian Stelter Cancelled by CNN

Louder with Crowder

Known as a “fat but active man of paralyzing stupidity” and a “mass of imbecile enthusiasms,” he was viewed by critics as one of those “completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability of the Party depended.” Stelter rose to prominence with the unparalleled way he would watch Fox News then complain about Fox News while on CNN.

Family Being Evicted from Ronald McDonald House Over Vaccine Mandate

Louder with Crowder

The Furgason family is staying at a Ronald McDonald house while their four-year-old son Jack battles cancer. Well, they’re staying there for now. RMDH was built so families could stay close to the hospital where their children are battling serious illnesses. And they still can, providing everyone gets their Fauci Ouchies. If not, they need to find another place to stay by the end of the month. Because of pubLOLic health.

Biden Wants You to Wear a Mask for 100 Days

Louder with Crowder

There needs to be an investigation into Joe Biden’s finances to if he has invested in cotton, or some kind of a fabric company. Because his answer to everything is “mask.” Our alleged president-elect is an interview away from introducing himself as the “46th Mask of the United Masks of Mask.” Whether it’s because of Covid or him just having a stroke, we’ll see what the future holds.

Gina Carano Is the Cancel Culture Fighter We Need

Louder with Crowder

Over the weekend, The Mandolorian actress Gina Carano riled up leftist Twitter with a basedAF meme which wounded the pro-mask brigade’s collective feelings. She isn’t toeing the anti-Trump, pro-lockdown, pro-BLM, transgender agenda lines as drawn by her Hollywood peers…This makes her one of the only people in entertainment to push back against the cancel culture mob.

Biden’s Covid Advisor Supports 4-6 Week National Lockdown

Louder with Crowder

A 4 to 6 week shutdown sounds an awful lot like “two weeks to flatten the curve.” We’ve heard this all before. A Biden advisor trying to push this while Biden supporters are superspreading all over New York City and DC shows how unserious any of them are about Covid. This is all about control over you. Let’s not find out the hard way how quickly 4 to 6 weeks becomes 8 to 12.