Laura Ingraham, host of the new Fox News show “The Ingraham Angle,” tore into politicians on Tuesday night for not doing what’s necessary to secure the country and for allowing in radicals — such as the 29-year-old jihadi from Uzbekistan who drove a truck into innocent people yesterday.
Publication: LifeZette
“Seinfeld” Actor Opens Up About Supporting Trump Within Hollywood
“Every time I have mentioned that I supported this president in this election,’ said John O’Hurley (J. Peterman), “people get vicariously angry at me.”
Bannon, Ingraham Rock Arizona to Boost Flake’s Opponent Kelli Ward
The Republican looking to take out Sen. Jeff Flake gets big support from the two conservative headliners.
NY Times Admits the Obvious: Its Anti-Trump Bias
Executive editor Dean Baquet changed the paper’s social media policy to stop reporters from sniping at the president.
The Unspoken Reason California Wants More Illegal Immigrants
Left unsaid in the pronouncements related to economic concerns, compassion for the children, and the desire to resist Trump was a powerful incentive for politicians in immigrant-heavy states like California — noncitizens literally increase their political influence at the expense of other states. Each state gets seats in the House of Representatives based on its population.
Big 3 Networks Coverage of Trump Is 92% Negative
The three networks news channels — ABC, CBS and NBC — trashed and bashed President Donald Trump 92 percent of the time last month, according to a new Media Research Center (MRC) study, while giving him positive coverage just 8 percent of the time.
Trump Critics Strive to Mar Puerto Rico Visit
Media, Democrats dismiss compassionate tone of president’s visit, allege inadequacies in federal response.
24 Hours of Politicized Tragedy: Leftists Demand America Ban All Guns
Left-wing organizations, gun-control groups, and even the media wasted little time in using the senseless massacre in Las Vegas to advance a political agenda on Monday, only hours after a gunman killed at least 59 people and wounded more than 500.
Amnesty for Dreamers Could Lead to 1.5 Million More Migrants
Even a modest amnesty limited to the roughly 690,000 illegal immigrants participating in the DACA program could eventually add another 1.4 million new immigrants, according to a study released Wednesday.
Anthem Protest Controversy Has Big Impact on NFL Ratings
The ongoing political protests surrounding some players’ decision to take a knee during the national anthem didn’t help the NFL’s “Sunday Night Football” ratings. Viewership for the primetime game between the Washington Redskins and the Oakland Raiders was down on NBC by 11 percent from the same night one year ago and 9 percent from the previous week
3 Movies Still in Theaters That Conservatives Should See
“American Assassin,” “Wind Rivers” and “Dunkirk.”
Look at What This California School Board Now Allows
Should kindergarten-age children — kids of such tender years — really be taught about transgender people?
Masculinity Is Maligned Yet Again at Another College Campus
Students at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill are encouraged now to participate in a 10-week “men’s project.” Its goal: to “promote healthier masculinities on campus and to shift the culture of masculinity toward more nonviolent norms,” according to its website.
Hurricane Victims Are Getting Free Abortions from This Group
Whole Woman’s Health, a reproductive health care organization, in collaboration with other groups is offering free abortions to women affected by Hurricane Harvey. At least 74 women have already taken the organization up on the offer, or have scheduled an appointment for the procedure.
The Trump Bashing Never Stopped at the Emmy Awards
There they go again: Instead of celebrating art and entertainment, the liberal Hollywood elites go after the president (yawn).
ESPN Is Driving Away Viewers for This Reason
In the first quarter of the Monday night NFL game, the broadcasting team called on sideline reporter Sergio Dipp — whose primary job is with ESPN Deportes (the Spanish-speaking version of the channel) — to talk about the Broncos’ head coach, Vance Joseph. It was immediately evident Dipp had never done a live report for the English-speaking version of the network.
What the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About Syria’s Christians
Accurate reporting about what is really happening in Syria is hard to come by — the “fake news” phenomenon could almost have been invented for the way much of the Western media reports conflict in the Middle East.
How a Return of DACA Recipients Could Be a Huge Asset for Mexico
Mexican society is stratified, with a large underclass and a relatively small upper class, most having a European background…The U.S.-educated dreamers may be just what Mexico needs.
Ingraham: In America, We Don’t Rule by Emotion, We Rule by Law
LifeZette editor-in-chief Laura Ingraham said that American citizens are “dreamers,” too, and deserve to have the federal government prioritizing their concerns.
Left Continues to Politicize Harvey as the Rain Stops
Agenda-driven liberals use natural disaster to decry climate change, racism, and even capitalism.
Houston Rescue Images Shatter Media’s Race Narrative
For the past two weeks, media panels on CNN have painted a picture of America as a nation divided by race. But stories out of Houston, and the images of men rushing in with boats to rescue whites, blacks and Hispanics from rooftops and flooded homes and streets have shown Americans something different.
Professor Wished Death Upon Texas
Over the weekend, a University of Tampa professor tweeted that Texans “deserved” to be struck by Hurricane Harvey because they voted for President Donald Trump.
Polish Official Says Uncontrolled Migration Is a “Noose Around Europe’s Neck”
Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak blasted the E.U.’s migration policies on Wednesday in the wake of a string of radical Islamic terror attacks across the Europe.
Democrats, Media Setting Up Impeachment Removal Scenario
CNN and other hostile outlets repeatedly cast doubt on Trump’s capacity to fill out his term.