The “Darkest Hour” star sang quite a different tune than his Hollywood colleagues — who touted leftist ideas and went after Trump.
Publication: LifeZette
Don Lemon’s False Claim About Fox Is “Fake News” in Its Purest Form
CNN host erroneously insisted that ‘state-run’ ‘Trump TV’ network ignored news of WH communications director Hope Hicks’ resignation.
Ryan Seacrest May Be the Next Victim in the #MeToo Outrage Machine
“It’s gang-up-on-men time,” said host Laura Ingraham on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” on Wednesday night.
Fedex Rejects Boycott Hysteria and Sticks with the NRA
Other companies, caving to political pressure, are severing ties with gun rights group, but shipper “remains committed to our customers … independent of political affiliations.”
University of Vermont Activists Delayed Ambulances Headed for Hospital
They blocked intersections during rush hour, creating 15-minute delays for ambulances that were headed to the hospital — while escalating their demands, including an audience with UVM President Tom Sullivan to discuss racism on campus.
Liberal Media Hate “I Hear You” from Trump, But They Loved It from Obama
“Fake news” crew swooned when their guy spoke the words, yet check out reactions to the sitting president’s consolation — hypocrisy, anyone?
Anti-Trump Athletes Are Struggling at the Olympics
By focusing on politics and punditry more than their peers, these men and women lost focus and faltered in their respective categories.
Are Celebrities Co-opting Student-Led Anti-Gun Initiatives or Just Helping Out?
In addition to sizable monetary donations, scads of celebrities, primarily those with a liberal bent, have been weighing in verbally and in other ways on political matters in the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Florida.
Does the First Amendment Play a Role in This Country’s Mass Shootings?
Has even a single media participant — a pundit or writer or anchor — pondered the notion that these mostly young, deranged men got exactly what they wanted when camera crews and journalists came out of the woodwork to cover their crimes?
LeBron James Talks Smack About Trump and Gets Smacked Back
NBA superstar’s profanity-laced video is far from a slam dunk with American sports fans.
Forget the $4.4 Trillion Budget; Media Obsesses Over Porter Controversy
The shaming of Trump is an old trope in the White House press briefing room, and one made for the insatiable daily news focus desired by the big TV news networks, who sit in the first three rows at the White House press briefing room. It doesn’t matter that most Americans have moved on from the news about Porter. Big media demands further cycles on Porter.
SF 49ers Spend Record Money on QB Respectful of America
What did it take for Jimmy Garoppolo to become the highest-paid quarterback in the NFL? Five great starts and respect for America.
The 10 Dumbest Things Nancy Pelosi Has Said (Lately)
Coming up with a list of dimwitted things the Democratic minority leader has spoken is easy — but narrowing it down is the real challenge.
High School Musical Cancelled Over Alleged Casting Bias
When a white student was cast in the lead role of Esmeralda in the musical “Hunchback of Notre Dame,” some other students at Ithaca High School in Ithaca, New York, and their parents set out to shut down the production in protest.
Trump Wins the National Anthem Debate
Super Bowl ratings were down big-time — and with no kneelers at the big game, it’s clear who’s triumphed in this cultural fight.
Trump’s SOTU Success Wipes Wolff Off the Map
The author of a hugely discredited book about the president is cut off by his ‘friends’ on the Left for his latest disingenuous stunt.
Professor Uses Our Flag as a Doormat
A professor at Broward College (BC) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has chosen to desecrate the American flag in the name of “art.” Lisa Rockford, an assistant art professor, converted Old Glory into a doormat by painting it white, cutting it in half, and putting it down on the floor.
Liberal Celebrities Are Obsessed with Republicans’ Looks
Cher, queen of the outrageous ensemble, slams press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for the way she dresses. Seriously?
Ben Shapiro Takes on Liberal College Crybabies and Their Mental Health
The conservative was met with protests during his Wednesday night visit to UConn.
Best Picture Nominee Shows Hollywood’s Hypocrisy
The Oscar-nominated film “Call Me By Your Name” is up for four Academy Awards, believe it or not. The movie features a relationship between a 24-year-old man and an underaged 17-year-old boy. In the United States today, this constitutes statutory rape. In other words — Hollywood and its associates want to praise a movie about a sex offender.
Dear Liberals: Stop Trying to Politicize the Patriots
Tom Joyce: Many on the Left try to make villains of New England football franchise (and fans) for daring to employ Trump supporters.
Calling Someone Racist without Proof Is Part of the Liberal Playbook
Welcome to the Left’s new rule for establishing culpability: A mere allegation of wrongdoing is sufficient to convict. Say goodbye to the bulwark of our legal system. You are guilty until proven innocent.
The Anti-White Bias on Campus Couldn’t Be Clearer
Students at University of Oregon who don’t identify as “women of color” are “respectfully” asked to “provide and maintain a sacred space” for others — what?
Two New Polls Show Trump’s Tax Cuts Are Gaining Public Support
Despite near-total mainstream media blackout of positive economic news recently, Americans have more confidence about renewed prosperity.