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Censorship Is a Global Pandemic

It’s good that so far, American police say their campus arrests are for trespassing or property damage, not words. I don’t agree with what most of the demonstrators say. But I’ll defend their right to say it.

Biden’s Renewable Energy Scam

John Stossel

Requiring all new homes to have solar panels is a big reason California has the most expensive housing in America. The average house costs almost $800,000. If you can afford that, you get government money for generating solar power. But the handout goes mostly to the rich. Poorer people are more likely to rent.

Shut It Down

John Stossel

Useless Cabinet departments, for example, like Housing and Urban Development, Labor and Agriculture. Agriculture employs almost 100,000 people. Why? Independent farmers grow our food. They don’t need a giant department. Let’s get rid of the Department of Education, too. Why does it even exist?

College Is Now an Overpriced Scam

John Stossel

Our government basically vomits money at everyone who applies. If private lenders gave out the loans, they’d look at whether they were likely to be paid back. Government’s handouts also invite colleges to keep raising tuition. “Why not raise tuition?” asks the typical college president. “Uncle Sam pays the bill!”