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Is France Dead?

The left has followed one of the models that work very well in democracy: setting up political clientelism: the practice of giving subsidies to anyone who thinks like you or who, in exchange for money, will provide obeisance. Illegal immigration is the great ace up the sleeve of that left.

Let’s Globalize Conservatism

The global Left’s narratives are easy to summarize because they are ever-present in English-language media outlets and online streaming platforms. This represents a significant advantage for the global progressive Left. Do conservatives have a comparable presence? Regrettably, not today.

A Hungarian Take on Tucker Being Abruptly Booted from Fox

Hungarian Conservative

With Carlson’s ‘dishonourable discharge’ from Fox, Hungary lost one of its biggest proponents in American media, at least for now. If the overall strategy of pivoting more towards the centre for conservative media outlets works out for FOX, that may cause some damage to our country’s image overseas, as fewer pundits would be willing to defend the Orbán administration.

How Europe May Eventually Be Islamized

Hungarian Conservative

Viktor Orbán, having being faced with the reality of this unprecedented inundation of Muslim migrants in Europe, has adamantly refused to accept such “refugees,” enduring criticism from the European community. Why has Orbán taken such a position? It is because he understands quite well what Islam is all about and has acted properly to keep Hungary as secure as possible.

The Shocking Case of an LGBTQ Teacher’s Aide

Hungarian Conservative

The story of an openly homosexual LGBTQ activist teacher’s aide caused public outrage in Hungary in recent weeks. 39-year-old Zsolt Bite, who until recently worked at the Krúdy Gyula English-Hungarian Bilingual Primary School, bragged in a TikTok video that he has a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old. Bite insisted that what he is engaging in does not constitute pedophilia.