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Ukraine Conflict Fueled by False “Green” Promises

Human Events

Canceled by Biden to satiate the thirst of environmental extremists for a hydrocarbon scalp, the Keystone XL Pipeline project alone would have supplied more oil to the U.S. than currently provided by Russia. Adding to the damage have been administration moves to discourage or ban other projects for producing and transporting energy.

Lloyd Austin Is the Poster-Child for the Diversity Industrial Complex

Human Events

Charile Kirk: As a byproduct of hiring policies driven by diversity goals, he is the personified argument in favor of restoring a meritocracy in this country. Here is my “critical theory”: our citizens had better wake up, and start demanding that only people who are qualified be allowed to serve in positions of responsibility that require leadership. Lloyd Austin is a data point in the social science experiment of implementing critical race theory.

Fear and Loathing at the CPAC Conference

Human Events

Why does our side always have the crappy costumes? Antifa looks ridiculous with their readymade armor (bike helmets, kneepads, etc.), but at least you know they mean business and won’t hesitate to put a fist in your face. Meanwhile, our “insurgents” are wearing body paint and horns, and our CPAC attendees are sporting Uncle Sam top hats, boas, and Trump-themed bellbottoms. It’s hard for anyone to take these people seriously…

The Anarchy on Our Streets Started in 2016 When the Dems Renounced Democracy

Human Events

The anarchic urge began with the election of Donald Trump and the left’s refusal to accept that decision. While Democrats now talk about it being sedition to question the results of a presidential election, many of them could never embrace Trump as president. Instead, in 2016, these same Democrats insisted upon becoming part of “the resistance,” as though America was under the control of a foreign power.

Biden-Harris Is No Dream Team

Human Events

Kamala Harris on the campaign trail will be a constant reminder of Biden’s recurring racial gaffes. She could also be a reminder of Biden’s penchant for inappropriately touching women throughout the years. After a raft of women came forward in 2019 to tell stories of Joe’s allegedly roaming hands, Harris interjected, “I believe those women.” 

Greenland Will Help Make America Great Again

Human Events

With the recent trend of ice sheets melting in Greenland, there are the makings of lucrative mining opportunities. Beneath the continental glacier of ice is soil that holds the second-largest deposit of rare-earth metals and oxides, vital for production of solar power, wind turbines, and electric cars. There is also what’s believed to be the sixth-largest deposit of uranium in the world.