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The Jig Is Up for the World Economic Forum

Human Events

This enclave of globalist authoritarians is worried; this club of unelected tyrants who want you to eat insects and own nothing is distracted; and they seem to know that the jig is up in terms of convincing common folk that there is nothing sinister about the WEF’s plans for the world.

A Vote for DeSantis Is a Vote for Nikki Haley

Human Events

The play right now is #NeverNikki. Stop wasting time, donor money, and the hope and energy of countless thousands of people who are inevitably going to be disappointed by DeSantis taking third place in New Hampshire. End this folly now. Get behind Trump and let’s form a wall against the left.

Conservatives Tried to Warn America That “Social Justice” Meant Violence and Hate

Human Events

As war rages in Israel, it’s been clarifying to see that much of the American Left has been unable to collectively denounce Hamas. The progressive mindset, which has advanced social justice issues above all else, moving from the faculty lounge to the heart of the Democratic party, has brought the left to this point. Conservatives tried to point out the fallacies of this mindset but were often labeled bigots.

Danelo Cavalcante Is a Symbol of Biden’s America

Human Events

He is a perfect microcosm of the anarcho-tyranny that reigns in Joe Biden’s America, where criminals can crabwalk out of prison in full view of their captors, where vigilantism has replaced the underfunded and under appreciated police, and where our so-called “leaders” have more sympathy for convicted murderers than they do for their butchered victims.

It’s Time for a Conservative Cultural Movement

Human Events

Let’s show the fun side of being conservative, which is enjoying freedom without the intrusive gaze of big brother, cracking jokes without worrying about someone taking away everything you have and sending you to the naughty corner. We need to foster some youthful rebellion instead of acting like the evangelicals of the late ’90s and early 2000s who gasped at everything.

Can You Blame Everyone for Being Gay?

Human Events

Becoming LGBTQ is like becoming ordained into the priestly class, you instantly ascend to the inner ring of the elite circles. Yes, you sacrifice marriage and a family and “normal life,” but you are granted special favors and privileges that befit your rank above your hopelessly middle-class peasant roots.

The Progressive Cult Weaponizes Compassion to Promote Radical Trans Ideology

Human Events

How did we get to a place where men think they are women if they say they are, teen girls believe cutting their breasts off will make them male, and parents seek to inject their kids with drugs to stop their natural development in service to the lie that human beings can change sex. We got here through the emergence of a feminist fascism, and a willingness to declare that lies are truth.