When Trump takes office later this month, he has already announced that he plans to grant “major pardons” to defendants in the January 6 cases. While we applaud the follow-through on his campaign promises, we would suggest a more radical solution: he should pardon everyone who has been jailed or charged over the event.
Publication: Human Events
Legacy Media Is Dead
Americans are sick of being lied to. That’s why legacy media is on its last legs. The industry will have to adapt to telling the truth, remake itself, or die.
Traditional Europe Is Disappearing
Immigration, once celebrated as the solution to Europe’s aging populations, has instead proven to be the exact opposite. The influx of millions from the Middle East, Africa, and beyond has not been accompanied by assimilation but by the emergence of parallel societies.
Trump’s Superpower Is Inspiring Ordinary People to Do Extraordinary Things
He is a lightning rod, and while he inspires an unmatched hatred in those who prefer a status quo of authoritarianism, he also inspires truly courageous actions on the part of normal people.
Exclude Hostile Media from White House Briefings
Is there any reason that the media outlets that called President Trump a Nazi, a fascist, literally Hitler, an authoritarian and an existential threat to America should be allowed in the Briefing Room during his administration — or any future Republican administration?
Is the BLM Era Over?
Like all hate groups, BLM supports its chosen race by behaving as if its members are “oppressed” unless they’re free to behave in the worst way possible, without consequence. They were always going to react to this case with nonsensical, bellicose posturing
The Resignation of Scientific American’s Editor Is Great for Humanity
Once revered for presenting science as a neutral and evidence-based pursuit, the publication became mired in ideological bias under the leadership of the now former Editor-in-Chief, Laura Helmuth.
Vote for Trump Nov. 5 or the End of Democracy
Kamala Harris is that radical left-winger that conservatives have been warning us about for so many decades. But even worse, she is just an unthinking portal for a host of malevolent forces that want to enslave America.
Kamala Has Encouraged the Largest Sex Trafficking Operation in History
Little attention is given to the inhumanity of the human trafficking facilitated and encouraged by the border policies of Kamala Harris and her administration.
Trump’s Media Presence Is a Winning Strategy
Trump’s dominance over mainstream and alternative media has forced Vice President Kamala Harris into a media blitz of her own that has monumentally fallen flat.
The Government Failed the People of North Carolina
If FEMA wants to do the job it receives millions of dollars for, it needs to learn how those in the Department of Defense operate. Military units are better qualified to handle these kinds of situations, and if they weren’t being used overseas, they would be better positioned to react than FEMA.
Unchecked Immigration Turns Swedish Dream into Brutal Dystopia
Shootings, bombings, stabbings, and organized crime have taken root, fueled by gangs locked in a brutal war over drug trafficking and territory.
White Liberal Worship of Ta-Nehisi Coates Binds Them to His Reverence of Race-Based Terrorism
He seems to believe that race-based terrorism is entirely justified. The white liberals who love him eat this up like manna dropped from the heavens, believing that if they adore Coates, that makes them good people themselves.
FEMA Has Become an Ideological Joke
Equity is job one and disaster assistance is job none.
Trump Dying Could Have Led to Civil War
America has been given two gifts between Butler and West Palm Beach. Unfortunately, we appear intent on squandering those gifts.
There Will Be More Attempts to Take Out Trump
Between Routh’s bounty and the Iranian murder machine, it’s virtually a guarantee that President Trump will face future assassination attempts.
They’ll Try to Kill Him Again
The Democratic establishment has been encouraging would-be assassins to try and take a shot at President Trump for years. In fact, from the minute he won the Republican nomination in 2016, the media and their deep state allies have been trying their hardest to inspire someone to provide a ‘final solution’ to their biggest problem.
Biden and Harris Are Complicit in the Death of Hersh Goldberg-Polin
The Biden/Harris administration essentially enabled Hamas to continue their brutal campaign without giving Israel any chance of saving the captives held in the Rafah tunnels.
The Democrats’ Platform Proves That They Are Now a Socialist Party
The Democrats are telling the American people that socialism has now become the official doctrine of their party. Nowhere was this more evident than in the platform’s healthcare section.
RFK Jr. Should Endorse Trump
It would be one of the most patriotic moves a presidential candidate has ever made.
Is That It, Democrats?
The DNC is something arguably worse than bad: it’s dull.
The Jew Haters Who Took Out Minouche Shafik Are Coming for Kamala
While Kamala is trying to keep the euphoria going, attempting to dance and sing her way into the White House, her base will be out in the street demanding answers.
Kamala’s Campaign Isn’t About Joy
It’s about toxic positivity.
Walz Is an Insult to the White Working Class
Walz is, at least in theory, supposed to be the Democrats’ attempt at reaching out to the midwestern white working class. When Republicans tried to reach that demographic, they picked a Yale-educated Marine who’d made good and wanted to give back to his roots. The Democrats, on the other hand, picked an alcoholic gym teacher.