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The Left Eats Its Own, Hollywood Edition

Actor/comedian Michael Rapaport, has been personally protested and endured several cancelations to date. Why? He’s Jewish and he defends Israel. Rapaport has spent years excoriating Trump. Other Jewish artists are suffering similar cancellations like actor/author Brett Gelman of “Stranger Things” fame.

Why Hollywood Can’t Save Biden

Will witty remarks and carefully curated content be enough to boost Biden’s standing among the young and restless?The answer is almost certainly no. When it comes to Biden, young voices across the political landscape are expressing a range of grievances, from disgust to distrust, driven by a sense of disconnection from the current administration.

The War on Jerry Seinfeld

The Hollywood Reporter fretted that Seinfeld’s new, outspoken mien could hurt his career, something John Nolte rightly noted is never mentioned when a star veers to the Left. CNN cranked out a think piece centered on the author’s “growing unease” over the clean comic.

When Will the Stars Speak Up for Canceled Jews?

Hollywood mostly went back to normal shortly after the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel. In recent months the industry ignored the hostages during awards season and turned a blind eye to the raging antisemitism across colleges. Comic institutions couldn’t rally on behalf of persecuted Jews, nor did they call out the glaring double standards attached to Israel’s response to the terror attacks.