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The IVF Industry Must Be Regulated

Heritage Foundation

There are profound moral issues with the way IVF is practiced in the U.S.—in many cases, amounting to eugenics. Over 75 percent of fertility clinics offer preimplantation genetic testing for genetic issues; 73 percent offer testing for sex selection or hair, eye, and skin color. Children born through IVF have a higher likelihood of cancer, autism, minor cleft pallet, or a congenital heart defect..

Learn How to Spot Critical Race Theory

Heritage Foundation

Critical race theorists are good at disguising their indoctrination. They often hide it behind words that sound harmless, like “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion.” But there are other ways to identify critical race theory. That’s why The Heritage Foundation put together this latest eBook: Knowing Critical Race Theory When You See It and Fighting It When You Can.