“We have more evidence and proof –as if you needed it- that the President can do nothing right in the eyes of the establishment destroy-Trump mainstream media,” said Sean during his broadcast Tuesday night. “The left erupted earlier today […] all because Melania Trump was wearing heels.”
Publication: Hannity.com
Sick Media Suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome”
Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Thursday night, Sean blasted the mainstream media over their newest Trump-hating conspiracy theory; this time shamelessly suggesting the President is suffering from a mysterious mental illness.
Hannity Says Media Deserve Every Bit of Trump’s Criticism
Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night, Sean praised the President’s fiery response to the destroy-Trump media’s never-ending attacks on his administration; adding the establishment press deserves “every bit of criticism” they’re getting.
Trump Fights Back and Unloads on “Sick” Media at Arizona Rally
President Trump delivered a campaign-style rally in Arizona on Tuesday night, punching back at the “sick” media over their coverage of his response to the chaos that took place in Charlottesville. The President –again- unequivocally condemned racism, bigotry, and white supremacy in all its forms before the packed arena
Left-Wing Activists Destroy Oldest Columbus Monument in U.S.
Left-wing activists and protesters smashed what is believed to be the oldest standing Christopher Columbus statue in the United States; attacking the 225-year old monument with bats and saying the explorer symbolized “the initial invasion of European capitalism” in the Western Hemisphere
Lies! Media Shamelessly Alter Trump Transcript to Fuel Outrage
“Okay, what about the alt-left that came charging at us?” reported Politico. The sentence went viral on social media within minutes. In reality, the President said “came charging at them,” an obvious departure from the liberal narrative that the President refuses to “unequivocally” condemn the KKK and other hate groups.
Crazed Waters Throws Unhinged Trump Tantrum
California congresswoman Maxine Waters launched an unhinged tirade against President Trump on Monday, smearing the Commander-in-Chief is a “dishonorable human being” who only appeals to “haters” and “racists” throughout the country. Waters was speaking on MSNBC when she viciously attacked the President over his response to the deadly protests that rocked Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.
Al Gore’s New Climate-Change Film Is an Inconvenient Bomb
Former Vice President and climate-change crusader Al Gore got some disappointing news this weekend, when his over-hyped and underwhelming movie “An Inconvenient Sequel” became an “inconvenient bomb” at the US box office, earning a measly $900,000 in its opening weekend.
One Million New Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months
The United States has added more than one million jobs since President Donald Trump took office back in January; smashing expectations and pushing consumer confidence and unemployment to levels not seen in 16 years.
New Hillary Emails Show Clinton’s Pay-to-Play Scheme with Donors
Newly released emails between Hillary Clinton and top aide Huma Abedin appear to show the former Secretary of State’s mishandling of classified material as well as numerous examples of her “pay-to-play” schemes with top Clinton Foundation donors.
She’s Back. Hillary Reveals Title of New Tell-All Memoir
It’s unclear why Hillary felt the need to publish the book (“What Happened”)…For those who don’t plan on reading Clinton’s new book, here’s how it ends… She lost.
Unhinged: Liberals Compare Trump’s Scout Speech with Nazi Germany
Liberal activists did not view the speech too kindly, with many conflating the imagery with Hitler’s address before Nazi Youth rallies commonplace throughout the 1930s…The left must be unaware that American Presidents have addressed the National Boy Scout Jamboree for more than 80 years.
Sec. of Defense Mattis Blasts Media’s Coverage of Trump-Putin Dinner Meeting
Defense Secretary Jim ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis slammed the mainstream media’s coverage of President Trump’s “undisclosed” dinner conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit, saying politicians routinely chit-chat with other leaders simply “because you don’t want to be bored.”