Major League Baseball has taken the top spot as America’s favorite sport, according to a new poll released this week; further highlighting the self-inflicted damage imposed on the NFL following nearly two months of player protests during the national anthem.
Matt Damon Comes Clean on Weinstein Sex Scandal
Damon’s comments come nearly two weeks after he told reporters he “never saw” that type of behavior.
Melania Slashes Michelle’s Bloated First Lady Payroll
First Lady Melania Trump managed to slash the staff and budget of her predecessor’s entourage by more than 50% since President Trump took office; maintaining a busy schedule on a significantly reduced payroll.
Eric Holder Criticizes Gold Star Families Offended by NFL Protests
Former Attorney General Eric Holder applauded NFL players who choose to “take a knee” on Wednesday, suggesting the Gold Star families of those killed serving their country shouldn’t “feel offended” by athletes because they’re expressing their “First Amendment rights.”
Huckabee Sanders Scorches Reporters Over Slain Soldier Story
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders unloaded on reporters Wednesday, blasting the journalists for turning President Trump’s “act of kindness” towards a service member’s widow into a political charade.
CNN Mocks Polio Survivor McConnell for Needing Trump’s Help
CNN political reporter Daniella Diaz found herself in hot-water after she seemingly mocked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for clutching onto President Trump after a press briefing; apparently unaware McConnell is a polio-survivor who has trouble ascending and descending steps.
Empty Stadiums Stun NFL Owners Over the Weekend
Months of player protests during the national anthem continues to have a devastating impact on the National Football League, with pictures emerging on social media of empty parking lots and vacant seats throughout the league.
Jimmy Kimmel Defends Harvey Weinstein, Blames “Gun Nuts”
Kimmel was speaking with ABC’s Good Morning America when he softly defended high-powered studio executive Harvey Weinstein, saying the Hollywood hot-shot’s decades long history of sexual assaults was not “equivalent to what happened in Las Vegas.”
Kellyanne Conway Destroys CNN’s Cuomo Over Gun Debate
Senior White House advisor Kellyanne Conway got into it with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday, slamming the left-leaning anchor for suggesting Republicans “owed” the victims of Sunday’s deadly rampage and the President was being “insensitive” to the injured.
CNN Says Rage of White Men Led to Vegas Rampage
CNN raised eyebrows across the internet on Wednesday when it published an article claiming “the rage of white men” was at the heart mass shootings across the United States; bizarrely suggesting that America won’t pass stiff gun regulations because “white men” have an “over-affinity” for firearms.
Kathy Griffin Says “Nothing Wrong” with Trump Beheading Pics
Hyper-liberal comedian Kathy Griffin is back in the headlines this week, defending her despicable photoshoot featuring the President’s severed head and claiming that President Trump “went after her” because of her gender and age.
O’Reilly Tells Hannity Liberals Want to “Wipe-Out” Free Speech
Bill O’Reilly stopped by ‘Hannity’ for an exclusive interview on Tuesday night, telling Sean that the mainstream media and liberal propagandists were out to destroy President Trump and “anyone who voted for him.”
NFL Ratings Plummet Following League’s War on USA
Just hours after President Trump called for a nationwide boycott against NFL players who disrespect the US national anthem, the National Football League suffered a devastating ratings drop as viewers tuned-out of their Day of Protest on Sunday.
Liberal Icon Posts Anti-Semitic Story Slamming American Jews
Former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson tweeted a disgusting article on Thursday that blamed “American Jews” for promoting armed conflicts throughout the Middle East, specifically in Iran and Iraq.
Liberal Hate: Melania Cyber-Bullied During Anti-Bullying Event
First Lady Melania Trump was viciously cyber-bullied during a UNluncheon on Wednesday, where she delivered an address outlining the dangers associated with bullying and teen suicide. According to Fox News, the First Lady was savagely attacked on social media over an “oversized dress” she wore.
It Begins: Major US City Renames Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Portland, Maine, is the second major American city to rename the annual October holiday, commonly known as Columbus Day, as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” following a unanimous vote by the Portland City Council.
Obama Administration Spied on Trump Campaign During Election
The revelation that the federal government wiretapped senior Trump aides vindicates comments made by the President earlier this year, claiming that Obama officials had been listening to his private conversations.
Kellyanne Conway Destroyed Hillary Yesterday with Just One Sentence
“Today: the 16th anniversary of 9-11; the nation is helping Harvey & Irma hurricane survivors & Hillary is talking about Hillary,” Conway tweeted.
Sister of 9/11 Victim Thanks Trump for “Refreshing” Speech
The sister of a 9/11 victim spoke out on ‘Hannity’ Monday night, thanking President Trump for calling those who committed the heinous attack “murderers” and saying “cultural leaders” in the America don’t understand the true threat facing the United States.
Hollywood Liberal Interrupts Hurricane Message to Attack Trump
Liberal filmmaker Rob Reiner interrupted his own Hurricane Irma message on social media Monday, taking a moment to shamelessly slander President Trump as the nation struggles to cope with two devastating hurricanes.
Jennifer Lawrence Blames Trump Supporters for Hurricane Irma
Liberal actress Jennifer Lawrence slammed supporters of President Trump during an interview with a British television channel this week, saying the recent natural disasters taking place in the United States was “mother nature’s rage” at climate change skeptics.
Former Clinton Aides Unload on “Selfish Hillary”
“The best thing she could do is disappear,” a former Clinton surrogate told the Hill. “She’s doing harm to all of us because of her own selfishness. Honestly, I wish she’d just shut the f*** up and go away.”
A New Low: Chelsea Handler Mocks the Death of Trump’s Brother
Liberal comedian Chelsea Handler savagely attacked the President during an interview with former CBS anchor Dan Rather, viciously mocking the death of President Trump’s older brother because he lacked “the will to survive.” The actress was engaging in a hypothetical interview with the famed newsman when she made her stunning comments.
Kellyanne Conway Blasts “Amateur Climatologist” Chris Cuomo to His Face
Senior Presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway lashed-out at CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Thursday, calling the host an “amateur climatologist” for repeatedly trying to conflate Hurricane Harvey and its devastating floods with climate change and global warming.