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Trump Did Not Commit an Impeachable Offense

Gregg Jarrett (Flashback: Jan. 12, 2021)

The assault on our nation’s Capital was grotesque and disgraceful. Trump’s involvement in the sad spectacle is not without responsibility or recrimination…While his Jan. 6 speech was reckless and wrong, it did not rise to the Constitutional standard of an impeachable offense. Nowhere in his remarks did the president advocate violence or destruction of property.

Denial of Allegations Fail to Save Gropy Gov

Gregg Jarrett

The governor reached a new low of shame when he invoked the names of his three daughters as he railed against “sexism,” as if no one would notice the irony of his own sexist and misogynistic behavior. It was reprehensible.  Cuomo’s news conference was a senseless smorgasbord of excuses in which everyone else was at fault except him.

Trump Did Not Commit an Impeachable Offense

Gregg Jarrett

The assault on our nation’s Capitol was grotesque and disgraceful. Trump’s involvement in the sad spectacle is not without responsibility or recrimination…While his Jan. 6 speech was reckless and wrong, it did not rise to the Constitutional standard of an impeachable offense. Nowhere in his remarks did the president advocate violence or destruction of property.

Newly Revealed Documents Support Flynn’s Innocence

Gregg Jarrett

The unvarnished truth is that the retired Army Lt. Gen. and former National Security Adviser never did anything wrong and committed no crimes.  He was set-up by unscrupulous FBI officials, then relentlessly pursued by Mueller’s team of overzealous prosecutors who were desperate to show that President Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.