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Opposing Drag Queen Story Hour in North Conway, NH

Granite Grok

We are looking for great people to come and fill up all the seats, be on the grounds, praying, etc., during these scheduled Drag Queen Story Hour events on June 23 at the Conway Public Library. Most times, they bring in gay activists and their kids from other areas to go to these things. This is some stronghold, and we need to change the direction of that place and let them know that this is not going to continue in Conway. 

NH Democrat Vote Favors Child Molestors Over Parents

Granite Grok

Democrats in the House and Senate voted against parental rights when they voted against SB272. SB272 would have established a parental bill of rights in New Hampshire. Democrats said they were standing up for the LBGTQ community because of the provision in SB272 that would have required school staff to answer parents honestly if they asked about their child’s gender status in school.

When Will We Do Something About the Leaker?

Granite Grok

Ray Cardello: I am talking about the leaker who sparked protests from Pro-Choice advocates who feared the end of legal abortions. The leaker spawned a crazed man to attempt to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh in his Georgetown home. Yet, this leaker remains unnamed and, I fear, forgotten by most people.

The America That You Knew Is Gone

The Granite Grok

Imil Imani: The America that you and I knew is gone. Complaining on Facebook or other social media will be to no avail. Action is needed to correct past mistakes and that starts with YOU. I am compelled to write this today because each day this president breaks another law with impunity.