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Dems Drove the Putney Paper Mill Out of Business

Granite Grok

The ironic bit is that the so-called party of the working man will gnash their teeth at the injustice of the dissolution of not just another business, without ever admitting it was their fault. Vermont Democrats and the Biden Presidency have made it too expensive to do business, and Putney isn’t the only casualty.

Fani Says It’s Racist to Call Her Corrupt

Granite Grok

Fani Willis, the political hack prosecutor in Georgia persecuting … not a typo: persecuting, not prosecuting Trump and his supporters for the “crimes” of complaining that the rigged 2020 election was rigged, has been accused, essentially, of using her office to launder money to her boyfriend.

Yes, Master, the Covid Vaccine Psy-Op Was Successful

Granite Grok

The propaganda war against conscientious objectors to the Covid-19 injections was fierce, and while most of the parroted fearmongering came from liberals or the left, recent research identified a significant number of “Trump supporters” who blamed the unvaccinated just as they’d been told to do, by their government.

Dear Jill, It’s Time to Say Adieu

Granite Grok

By Ray Cardello: Your Joe just turned 81, and we are not talking about taking the keys to the Corvette away from him, but we are thinking more about the keys to the White House. You did it. You pulled off the biggest con on America. You conspired to hide Joe away in the basement of your Delaware home to get your Man elected to the most powerful job in the world. Obviously, you had a quest for personal power, but the gig is up, and it is time to go.

Election Fraud Is Real

Granite Grok

Leftist organizations such as the Brennan Center for Justice and the League of Women Voters claim voter fraud is a “phantom” and “extremely rare.” Don’t buy it. The evidence is all around us. Cheating is a cakewalk because of accommodations pushed by Democrats, including universal mail-in voting and unmanned drop boxes.

Why Are GOP Presidential Debates So Bad?

Granite Grok

The format lends itself to chaos. The media personalities who ask the questions invariably focus on things Republican primary voters don’t care much about. Instead of asking about jobs, taxes, and the crisis on the border, the handful of presidential wannabes who’ve qualified for a place on the stage get questions about abortion, January 6 and, believe it or not, UFOs.

Countering the Woke Offensive

Granite Grok

Perhaps the most important facet of fighting against Wokeness is having courage. Each person needs to muster the courage to stand firm and resist the intrusion of Wokeness into our lives and our places of business. It is one thing to not buy a product because it backs Woke causes, but without informing the seller why you are not buying from them, nothing will change.

Is Mike Pence a Ukrainian Agent or Just an Idiot?

Granite Grok

Pence went on CNN on Sunday and essentially blamed Hamas’ attack on Israel on Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy because they have not been sufficiently pro-Zelensky. What an idiot! If anything, the blank check to Zelensky emboldened Hamas because we stripped our reserves of ammunition stored in Israel to fund the military-industrial/Wall Street war against Russia.

Thank You Matt Gaetz

Granite Grok

You exposed Kevin McCathy’s House-GOP as controlled opposition. Not a single impeachment … the military-industrial complex’s War in Ukraine continues to get funded … the DOJ’s war against Donald Trump continues to get funded … and we end up with a “continuing resolution” because, as Gaetz exposed, that’s where McCarthy wanted to end up.