It’s part of the largest public- and private-sector response to a health crisis in U.S. history.
Publication: Geller Report
After Fauci Stabs Trump in the Back, President Retweets Call to Fire Fauci
His models failed. His predictions failed. He has ill advised the President. Fire Fauci.
Iranian Factory Makes American and Israeli Flags to Burn
The flags are made for state-sponsored flag burning rallies and protests. Naturally this is a booming business in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The deranged Democrats want to give this country money and nukes. Madness!
Monsey Machete Assailant Is a Recent Muslim Convert
He may be linked to another brutal stabbing.
Muhammad Makes List of 10 Most Popular Baby Names in the US for the First Time
Following in Europe’s footsteps and we know how that is working out. What do American authorities imagine will happen in twenty or thirty years when they hear this startling demographic development?
Failed Dem Policy Behind Massive Wildfires That Threaten California
Quoting a report from a reader, The Geller Report says the cause of the fire is because “all the Dems and the Sierra Club, et al, won’t let power companies clear brush and trees from their power lines.”
Violent Muslim in Arizona Charged with Terrorism Out of Jail Until Trial
He aided ISIS, engaged in acts of terrorism — brandishing a knife and stoning a county sheriff’s sergeant — and they let him go. What could possibly go wrong?
Anti-Semite Bernie Sanders Posts Video Citing Apartheid-Like Conditions for Palestinians
Bernie Sanders is a vicious self-hating Jew. Sanders has also made a career out of vilifying Israel, in favor of the Jew-hating Palestinians.