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Expert Sniper Suggests Crooks May Have Had Inside Help

Dallas Alexander, a sniper whose team holds the world record for the longest confirmed sniper kill, has suggested that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who attempted to assassinate former Trump, may have had inside help. Alexander thinks that the shooter  had assistance from within an organization, or even the government. He argued that it would be impossible for someone to get onto a rooftop with a gun during broad daylight while a president was speaking without assistance.

Black Lives MAGA Video from Waco Rally

Gateway Pundit

Ultra MAGA Party posted video of two hardcore Trump supporters who had a message for the black community. “We know that you are out there. Maybe you’re afraid to show your support for America, for God, and for Donald Trump, and this country. Come on out. It’s OK. Come on out to the right side.”

Biden Administration Is Lying About the Chinese Balloon

Gateway Pundit

Somewhere between Alaska and Montana the White House learned that the balloon was going to float across the United States and decided this would be great PR on the eve of the State of the Union. But the bankrupt “brain” trust that surrounds Joe Biden failed to anticipate the reaction for doing nothing to protect American air space until the balloon was over the ocean.

Wake Up America: The End of Free Elections Is in Sight

Gateway Pundit

Leftists and RINOs spent the last 40 years owning election machinery to end your right to vote – and they are about to finish the job. This week, the Governor of Minnesota took the lead by planning to register, automatically, teenagers not old enough to vote.  On election day, there will be tens of thousands of names, with little history, who can be voted by election commissions when needed.