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Who Green-Lit the Trump Shooting?

Even as Secret Service snipers on the roof near Trump saw the gunman, security took no action either to neutralize the threat or remove him from the stage to safety. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to see this as a just a series of bumbling errors. On the contrary, they begin to resemble a deliberate plan to render Trump vulnerable while appearing to be mistakes.

After a Lot of Crack, Hunter Biden Goes Down

After Hunter Biden left behind enough evidence of assorted crimes to put away ten men for life, he was finally convicted of lying on a firearms form that probably half the country has lied about. Admittedly that half of the country probably wasn’t smoking crack, conducting drug deals and in bed with enemy nationals.

Europeans Waking Up

Just as increasing numbers of Americans, in response to such outrages as the disastrous Biden economy and the unending invasion at the southern border, appear to be shedding their distaste for Donald Trump, more and more Western Europeans, mostly in response to mass Islamic immigration, are rejecting their globalist elites and turning to the right.

The Hamas Nazi Ivy League

The Nazi cheers of Sieg Heil didn’t start out in Munich, but in Massachusetts. The Nazi chant was borrowed from Harvard football cheers and imported to Germany by Ernst “Putzy” Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists.