Is the U.S. next?
Publication: Fox News
Hillary Gives Americans 56 Incredible Reasons Why She Didn’t Win
Gregg Jarrett: Clinton engages in what psychiatrists call “projection” –when people persistently blame others for their own failings. They view themselves as chronic victims, refusing to accept personal responsibility for the decisions they alone make.
ESPN Double Standard: Fired Curt Schilling Reacts to Jemele Hill’s Remarks
“Let’s be very clear about something,” Schilling explained on Sean Hannity’s radio show, “Jemele Hill has always been a racist — the things that she says, the things that she does — I don’t have a problem the fact that Jemele Hill is racist, that Bomani Jones is racist, and Colin Kaepernick knelt for a lie, and that Disney and ESPN, who they own, supports liberal racism.”
Hillary’s “What Happened” Offers a Worn Security Blanket for Shaken Liberals
Noah Rothmans: It should be clear by now that the former secretary of state is speaking exclusively to her fellow Democrats in an urgent effort to polish her tarnished legacy, and she’s embraced some rather cloying and disingenuous methods in the process of achieving this mission objective.
Why Do Democrats Want to Dump the Electoral College?
Bryan Dean Wright: In the midst of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, many Americans have likely missed coverage of a growing storm in the world of politics. It’s a scheme recently promoted by the far left of the Democratic Party….to deny President Trump reelection in 2020. Their plan? Cheat.
Trump, in DACA Decision, Restores Constitutional Sanity to Immigration Laws
Gregg Jarrett: By executive fiat, President Obama granted amnesty to immigrants living illegally in the United States. It was an unconstitutional act, to be sure.
Trump, GOP Should Keep DACA But Scrap Birthright Citizenship
Liz Peek: Our country and Canada are the lone developed nations that still promise citizenship to anyone born on U.S. or Canadian soil. President Trump says the antiquated policy, drawn from the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, remains “the biggest magnet for illegal immigration” and he is correct
Hillary Clinton Charging Big Bucks for Book Tour Events
For $2,375.95 (or $3,000 in Canadian dollars), Clinton fans in Toronto can obtain a “VIP platinum ticket” for her Sept. 28 talk.
Police and Military Equipment — Overturning Obama Ban Protects Americans and Law Enforcement
Armored military vehicles and military-grade body armor aren’t just useful for soldiers, they make it possible for police to protect Americans.
Trump Trashing Hill Republicans: Could His Tough Talk Backfire?
Howard Kurtz: if Trump is going to get a tax cut and an infrastructure bill, he’s going to need every Republican vote he can get. In the end, you can only pass bills on the floor, not on Twitter.
Poor Hillary, Intimidated in the Debates by Big, Bad Trump
Liz Peek: If Hillary is so easily intimidated by powerful men, she really does not belong in the Oval Office.
ESPN Yanks Robert Lee and Becomes a Metaphor for Everything Wrong in Media
ESPN President John Skipper has single-handedly wrecked what was once an icon of the sports world. Skipper spent eight years working for left-wing Rolling Stone before shifting and moving over to its competitor Spin magazine.
Trump’s New Afghan Strategy Changes the National Conversation. Could It Lead to Success?
Douglas Schoen: On Monday night, however, the president successfully changed the national conversation to foreign policy and military strategy.
Journalists’ Moral Outrage Over Trump’s Remarks Need “Some Degree of Balance”
Howard Kurtz: When you look at the coverage on some cable news networks, it’s hour after hour of moral outrage with very few dissenting voices. Even on this hypersensitive subject, there is a need in journalism for some degree of balance.
Trump’s Style and Tone Is Hurting His Agenda
Stuart Varney: Let’s be clear: we knew what we were getting. The Trump campaign style left no doubts. But that style and tone are now hurting the agenda we voted for.
If We Want to Erase the Past, We Must Prepare for the Consequences
Tucker Carlson: Forty one of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence held slaves.
Charlottesville Lesson: Our Civil Rights Movement Is Stronger Than an Impotent Trump
Jehmu Greene: With the despicable display of hate and bigotry and the tragic loss of life in Charlottesville this past weekend, President Trump had a tailor-made opportunity to do his job: comfort a confused and frightened nation. He failed.
White Christian Conservatives Should Oppose Protests by White Supremacists
Bruce Riley Ashford: White conservatives – especially white Christian conservatives – should speak out openly against white nationalism and white supremacy. This is racism pure and simple, and it represents a frontal assault on the Christian gospel, a denial of human dignity and a subversion of our democracy.
Is Google’s “Don’t Be Evil” Motto Still Relevant?
Google became famous as an information company with its motto: “Don’t Be Evil.” Well, in the wake of its firing of a 28-year-old employee for expressing dissatisfaction with Google’s stifling ideological conformity, some critics are saying the company is now for soft authoritarianism.
Ethics Hipsters Are the New Puritans
What we’re seeing is the rise of the ethics hipster…a tool who pretends to salute the idea of free expression, but will happily try to censor you if your expression runs counter to their rigid, narrow and wholly predictable assumptions about life.
Time for Affirmative Action to Be Based on Income, Not Race
Lloyd Green: End race-based college admissions and legacy preferences now. Instead, give a leg up to students aiming to climb life’s ladder. Race and ethnicity should not be treated as proxies for disadvantage.
Stuart Varney: I’m an Immigrant and I Support Trump’s Immigration Plan
This proposal is a good starting point. Choose who you want to let in. Give a break to our own people, and return to the melting pot, otherwise known as the great American middle class.
A Special Counsel Must Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch and Others
Gregg Jarrett: There was a time, not so long ago, when candidate Donald Trump vowed, if elected, to have his attorney general appoint a special counsel to reopen the Hillary Clinton investigation and, if warranted, bring criminal charges against her.
The Incredible Truth About How Far Legacy Media Will Go to Manipulate and Mislead Americans
Tammy Bruce: The left understands that he who controls definition controls the issues, and with political correctness they continue to weaponize language and communication.