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It’s Paul Manafort’s Indictment, Not Trump’s

Fox News

Erick Erickson: Much of the political left is cheering about the indictment of Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. They think it will undermine President Trump. The problem, though, is that it appears increasingly likely that Manfort’s indictment has nothing to do with the Trump campaign.

Stop Throwing Money at Poor Nations

Fox News

Brad Lips: The international community has donated more than $1.8 trillion to poor countries since 2000 – but this development aid hasn’t lifted many people out of poverty. Arguably, it has made some recipient nations poorer.

The Clinton Cover-Up, Brought to You By the Same Guys Who Are Investigating Trump

Fox News

Gregg Jarrett: Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

RIP Boy Scouts of America: You Were Great for 100 Years

Fox News

Russell Patten: As soon as the BSA changed the definition of the phrase “morally straight” in the generations-old Scout Oath back in 2013, allowing for homosexual membership, we all knew that this first compromise would not be the last.  We all knew that it was only a matter of time before the BSA compromised itself into oblivion.

Pence Walks Out of an NFL Game and Sports Journalists Lose Their Minds

Fox News

Former CBS Sports writer and current Indy Star sports columnist Gregg Doyel, a card-carrying left-wing activist, immediately registered his disgust by cranking out an article suggesting that, “Mike Pence used the Colts to spray paint Donald Trump’s political graffiti.” His hyperbole got him an invitation to appear on CNN’s “New Day” with fellow leftist Chris Cuomo.

Gun Control in Europe Hasn’t Stopped Mass Shooting Attacks

Fox News

John Lott:  Countries such as France may have made all semi-automatic guns illegal, but that hasn’t stopped killers from getting fully automatic machine guns to use in mass shooting attacks. All four of the 2015 mass public shooting in France involved machine guns, including the 130 people killed in November of that year.

Trump Making Puerto Rico Great Again

Fox News

Rachel Campos-Duffy: President Trump will go to show the people of Puerto Rico that he cares, to see the island-wide damage, and to make sure that the federal government and mainland Americans don’t forget about our fellow citizens struggling in Puerto Rico.