Liz Peek: Because the issue has rapidly become politicized, with Democrats hoping that sex harassment charges will damage or even oust President Trump, there is a real danger that it will go too far, and hurt the very women its leaders want to protect.
Publication: Fox News
Roy Moore Tried to Be Trump and Lost. That’s Because Only Trump Can Win As Trump
There will be a lot of hot takes in Alabama which is not suddenly a Democrat state. But there is one take that is inescapable and undeniable after a contentious election: Trump only works for Trump.
Obama Still Doesn’t Get It — Optimism, Not Whining, Grows an Economy
Liz Peek: Poor President Obama. He doesn’t think he’s getting enough credit for today’s booming economy.
Trump Is Right — Israel’s Capital Is Jerusalem
Kenneth Bandler: Longstanding resistance to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has encouraged many U.N member states, led by Arab and Muslim nations, to regularly adopt resolutions that ignore historical facts and deny any Jewish link to Jerusalem.
“Why I Hate The New York Times
John Stossel: I find it funny that so much of that money comes from glitzy ads directed at the rich people who Times reporters constantly criticize.
New Documents Reveal FBI’s Clinton Cover-Up
Tom Fitton: the FBI appears to be fully complicit in a cover-up that attempted to influence a presidential election for a favored candidate – Hillary Clinton. And the truth was trampled on a Phoenix tarmac.
NFL Owners Appear Ready to Pay Nearly $100 Million Bribe for Nothing
NFL owners seem poised to donate nearly $100 million (including some contributions from players) over seven years to support the favorite social justice causes of the players. But in a perfect show of how incompetent they are, the owners will get nothing from the players in return. No promise to stop disrespecting the national anthem or any other meaningful concessions.
Matt Lauer and the Sexual Harassment Hypocrisy
Brent Bozell: So the top broadcast news journalist who raked the former top cable news journalist over sexual harassment has now been fired for sexual harassment. You can’t make this stuff up.
As Long As Rich People Don’t Collude with Government, They Make Our Lives Better
John Stossel: As Republicans struggle to agree on a tax plan, Democrats and much of the media label each attempt at reform a “gift” to rich people…But the media and Democrats (is there a difference?) are wrong because they routinely portray rich people as parasites who take from other people.
Why Mike Pence Is the Most Important Man in America
Arthur Herman: The election of Donald Trump was a political earthquake. What we all need now is someone who can sift through the rubble…but also prepare the way for reconstruction on new…foundations. Not many of us have a destiny; Mike Pence may be one who does.
Trump Tweets at Lavar Ball and Mainstream Media Falls All Over Itself
Tomi Lahren: Mr. Ball, your klepto kid doesn’t have to worry about that because Donald Trump personally stepped in and made sure he got home…This is just another instance in a series of BS where Donald Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
Lena Dunham Embodies the Myth of White Liberal Tolerance
Jeremy Hunt: It turns out that despite being a figurehead for liberal “tolerance,” Dunham has a troubling track record with people of color.
Public Grade School Shuts Down “Illegal” Bible Study
Thou shall not study thy Bible — at least not during lunchtime.That’s the new commandment at Hudsonville Elementary School in Michigan. The school district shut down a lunchtime Bible study for fifth graders that was led by a teacher.
California Mandates Send Electric Prices Skyrocketing, But Texas Free Market Policies Keep Prices Low
California’s rush to impose harsh government mandates cutting carbon dioxide emissions in the generation of electricity is raising the electricity bills of families and businesses across the state. Poor families are suffering the most.
Trump Represents the US Far Better in Asia Trip Than Obama Ever Did
Steve Mosher: President Trump did us all proud on his Asia trip – at least those of us who are still prouder to be Americans rather than citizens of the world. He scored points by simply behaving like the leader of our nation and the free world. President Obama was never comfortable in either role.
GQ Should’ve Named Kaepernick “Coward of the Year”
Todd Starnes: Apparently, GQ seems to think that disrespecting our military and spitting on our flag is a symbol of heroism and manliness. That’s not citizenship – that’s cowardice.
Attacking “Toxic Masculinity” Won’t Stop Sexual Assault
Tom Shillue: Masculinity is not toxic after all. In the hands of someone who’s been raised in a religious home, with parents who stayed together, and with the influence of good role models, masculinity can be very positive, indeed.
British vs. American Press: A Race to the Bottom
If there’s one politician who can understand Donald Trump’s frustration with a wildly biased news media, it’s British Prime Minister Theresa May. Her country’s press is on an all-out campaign to force her resignation.
Texas Shooting: Gun Laws Aren’t the Problem. It’s Government Incompetence
If our government cannot perform simple tasks like filling our criminal record forms and entering information into databases, then why in the world would we burden federal employees with new gun laws that do nothing but restrict the constitutional rights of citizens and vendors in full compliance with the law?
Liberal Media Fixates on Laws that Wouldn’t Have Stopped Texas Attack
One thing is certain: the proposals put forward by gun control advocates wouldn’t have stopped this attack. What they ignored was what stopped the killer was a good guy with a gun.
Students at Liberal Reed College Stage Occupation Over Whitewashed Curriculum
An anti-racism group at Reed College in Portland, Ore., called for the school to cut ties to Wells Fargo Bank over its relationship with privately run prisons and stop teaching what it called a “whitewashed” curriculum that is too focused on the ideas and accomplishments of white Europeans and their descendants.
Get Used to Conservative Outsiders, America
Ed Rollins: Last year, team members at my organization, Great America PAC, placed 30 million phone calls and sent over 2.5 million pieces of direct mail. We motivated millions of active, engaged Trump supporters across the country. And we will do so again in 2018 to elect real representatives who will stand behind our president’s America First agenda and drain the swamp.
New York Terror Attack — We’ve Seen the Face of Evil But Our Politicians Want Us to Look Away
John Moody: It’s legitimate to debate about whether President Trump is unfairly singling out Muslims in his efforts to make America safe. But when a terrorist kills Americans – this time, with a rental truck – and then shouts “God is great” in Arabic, the president’s zeal is understandable.
It’s Paul Manafort’s Indictment, Not Trump’s
Erick Erickson: Much of the political left is cheering about the indictment of Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. They think it will undermine President Trump. The problem, though, is that it appears increasingly likely that Manfort’s indictment has nothing to do with the Trump campaign.