Robert Charles: And his indignant, self-serving and political reaction is dead wrong.
Publication: Fox News
Here’s Why America Will Be Stronger with Pompeo at State
Marc Thiessen: With a summit with North Korea in the works, President Trump’s decision to oust Tillerson and replace him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo could not have come at a better moment. Tillerson was completely out of step with Trump’s hard-line stance on North Korea, which ultimately brought Kim Jong Un to the bargaining table.
California Could Use More Trumpism
Jen Kerns: Great things can happen when conservative voters in California are enthused, and President Trump’s ability to utilize his bully pulpit would go a long way to rally them to engage in state politics once again.
Here’s Why Firing People Like Rex Tillerson Can Be a Good Thing
Robert Charles: America needs – and the president needs – a creative, off-the-charts-smart, multifaceted and intelligence-savvy leader over at the State Department – someone with both political sensitivity and can-do management. That perfectly describes Mike Pompeo.
Critics Bash Trump But Offer No Solutions of Their Own
Critics offer no solutions for the working class Americans left behind by the bipartisan push for globalization. Their silence on the destructive impacts of the deindustrialization of America suggest they have no answers — and not much compassion for the families who pay the price of trade policies through lost jobs and hollowed-out towns.
Trump Isn’t Starting a Trade War, He’s Helping to Restore “Made in America”
Rep. Markwayne Mullin: President Trump is a negotiator. He was elected by the American people because he is a businessman aiming to Make America Great Again, not a politician who is loyal to a political party but one who is loyal to the American working class. Our international trade deals are outdated and in need of renegotiation.
In California, Liberalism Leaves Homelessness, Drug Abuse and Garbage in Its Wake
Tammy Bruce: In California, the destruction of society and individual lives has become so overwhelming, the state’s liberal overseers now spend their time covering up where they can and normalizing the chaos as much as possible.
Trump’s North Korea Pressure Campaign Is Working and Here’s What Should Happen Next
Steven Mosher: To really have an impact – and possibly deprive North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un of the ability to launch a horrific nuclear attack on the United States – we need to go one step further and mount a naval blockade on North Korea’s ports.
Media Continue to Ignore Trump’s Presidential Leadership
Michael Goodwin: Trump three times put on a public master class in presidential leadership recently . He did it with members of both parties on immigration several weeks ago, then at a meeting with governors and last week with members of Congress on gun control.
Oscars Host Kimmel Makes Anti-GOP Jabs After First Professing Positivity
The veteran host started with a positive monologue that poked fun at the controversial year in Hollywood, which saw the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements dominate the headlines. But his tune quickly changed.
Trump Just Delivered Two Brilliant Political Surprises
Newt Gingrich: Trump has once again surprised the national establishment. This week he announced his re-election campaign earlier than any president in history. Simultaneously, he announced Brad Parscale would be his campaign manager. Both these moves are a reminder of how intuitive and strategic Trump is.
Get Ready for Trump 2.0 — The 2020 News Is Bad for Dems, But Great for America
Tammy Bruce: For those who thought they could make Donald Trump and his family miserable or afraid, the president’s commitment to another four years confirms they continue to underestimate the man and still don’t understand what the revolution of 2016 was all about.
John Stossel Creates the “Stosscars” to Honor Great Performances by Political Actors
John Stossel: (among the awards he’d give out): Best Performance by a Rich Elitist goes to Nancy Pelosi. In her eagerness to trash Republican tax cuts, she said this about $1,000 bonuses: “The crumbs that they are giving to workers to kind of put the schmooze on is so pathetic.”
Ingraham Releases Internal Email Directing Deputies to Defend Florida Sheriff
In an “Ingraham Angle” exclusive, Laura Ingraham aired a purported internal email from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office that directed employees to defend Sheriff Scott Israel. It urges all staff members to vigorously support Israel as he “find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations.”
Journalists Target Second Amendment and NRA, and Other Examples of Media Bias
The Parkland, Florida high school shooting that left 17 people dead is a textbook example of how supposedly neutral journalists promote a left-wing agenda – in this case, by showing overwhelming support for gun control.
“America First” Is Exactly What Africa Needs
Yuri Vanetik: President Trump is the best friend Africans have had in a long time…His America First policies are bolstering economies, reducing terrorism and increasing political stability across the continent.
Why North Korea and America Could Be at War By April
Pyongyang is not likely to ever give up its nuclear weapons—ever. This fact, above all else, is driving Northeast Asia toward a conflict the world has not seen in decades…Only complete nuclear disarmament and the elimination of North Korea’s missile programs will satisfy Washington.
Newt Gingrich: Arming School Employees Will Help Protect Children
Newt Gingrich: The faster good people can respond, the fewer innocent people will be killed. Every school in America should have several teachers and administrators trained in firearms who are permitted to carry concealed weapons. The number of these “protectors of the innocent” in each school should be determined by the number of students.
Family of Male Escort Who Died Mysteriously Inside Democrat Donor’s LA Home Seeks Justice
Gemmel Moore, 26, was discovered by police on July 27 inside the apartment of Ed Buck, 63. Buck is a well-known Democratic contributor, and has given more than $500,000 to an array of Democrats including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, and Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
Canceling a Father-Daughter Dance Is an Incredible Example of Political Correctness Gone Out of Control
Penny Young Nance: in a decision that sounds like a joke, the Department of Education adopted a policy last year that demanded schools throughout New York scrap any “gender-based” activities that do not serve an educational purpose. And apparently, one such gender-based activity is the long tradition of father-daughter dances held by many schools.
Liberal Hysteria About Trump’s Parade Proves It’s the Right Thing to Do
Tammy Bruce: The parade celebrating our military is a great idea, and is a perfect event symbolizing the fact that America is getting back on her feet after eight years of a commander-in-chief who reveled in complaining about America and decimating our military.
School Cancels Father-Taught Dance Over Gender Issues
A grade school in Staten Island, New York was forced to cancel its annual father-daughter dance because it violated a new school district policy regarding transgender and gender nonconforming student. The New York Department of Education directed schools to eliminate any gender-based practices like the daddy-daughter dance unless the activities served a clear education purpose.
Will the Rise of the Reagan Baby Generation Mean a Return to American Optimism?
Peggy Grande: As president, Ronald Reagan showed us how to dream big dreams. To imagine a flourishing economy. To imagine renewed strength and patriotism. To picture a world free of political tyrants and communist regimes.
Shocking Memo Reveals How Comey Disgraced an Honorable FBI
Chris Swecker: It pains me – as a former FBI executive who loves and respects the organization – to say that Comey’s short tenure at the FBI has proven to be the worst thing to happen to the agency since Director L. Patrick Gray was fired during the Watergate scandal.