All of the good news overshadowed the withdrawal of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary nominee Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, who Washington insiders helped destroy, despite years of service with President Barack Obama as the White House physician.
Publication: Fox News
Kanye West’s Support of Trump Is Monumental
Joy Villa: The fact that West has come out shows that it’s OK not to vote Democratic. He’s a hardworking black man who realizes personal freedom doesn’t come from the left’s stranglehold. Maybe others will follow suit. Maybe other blacks will realize we don’t need to follow the thought police, that we can vote the way we truly want, think the way we want, and live the way they want.
Trump and Macron Are Reformers Committed to Draining the Swamp
Newt Gingrich: Both presidents are committed to dramatic change in their own countries. Both are businessmen and value the free market as a source of innovation, progress and wealth. Both are committed to defeating Islamist terrorists, and they have recently proven how strong their alliance is with the allied attack in Syria.
Tax Plan Sparks Mass Exodus from Liberal States
Over the past decade, about 3.5 million Americans have relocated from high-tax blue states like California and those in the Northeast, to low-tax red states like Texas and Arizona — and the change is likely to accelerate.
What Trump-Haters Don’t Get About the Incredible Power of American Capitalism
Andy Puzder: President Trump promised to reverse the Obama era’s progressive economic policies and free American capitalism to do what it does best: increase prosperity for all. And, sure enough, that’s exactly what happened.
Without a Comey Prosecution, There’s No Hope for Healing America
Steve Hilton: What, exactly, could be more undermining of the rule of law than a senior law enforcement official who may have broken the law, who is publicly glorying in the fact of his own possible lawlessness, and who is using it to enrich himself?
Has the California Backlash Against Liberal Craziness Finally Begun?
While the nation continues to view California as a homogeneous voting block of individuals in lock step with an increasingly progressive liberal agenda, for Common Sense Californians up and down the left coast state, there’s a sense that a different tide is rising.
Turning California into 3 States Won’t Solve Its Problems
Tammy Bruce: Instead of trying to divide California into three states, billionaire Tim Draper should be working to unite the state and improve the lives of its people. He can do that by working to elect officials who will replace far-left Big Government policies with sensible government that respects individual freedom and reduces the huge tax burden on Californians.
Penn State Replaces Homecoming “King and Queen” Titles with Gender-Neutral Term
PSU’s 2018 Homecoming Executive Committee and Royalty Committee – instead of honoring one man and one woman through campus popular vote – will now give two students “regardless of their gender, gender identity, and/or gender expression” the title of “Guide State Forward Award” winner, selected by a faculty-staff panel to represent the senior class.
ABC Interview’s Big Bombshell — Comey Is a Fraud
Liz Peek: Far from being the last honorable man standing, as he surely pretends to be, the former FBI Director has shown his true colors by writing a book that does not serve the best interests of the country or his colleagues at the Department of Justice, but that only serves the best interests of James Comey.
Senator Cruz Says Facebook Has Been Censoring or Suppressing Conservative Speech for Year
Senator Ted Cruz: According to Zuckerberg, Facebook employs over 15,000 people in security and content review. If all or virtually all are left-wing Democrats – and if they are empowered to secretly silence the voices of all with whom they disagree – that poses profound threats to our democratic discourse.
Why the FBI Raid on Trump’s Lawyer Hurts All of Us
Alan Dershowitz: The very fact that this material is seen or read by a government official constitutes a core violation. It would be the same if the government surreptitiously recorded a confession of a penitent to a priest, or a description of symptoms by a patient to a doctor, or a discussion between a husband and wife of their sex life.
The Left’s War on Science
John Stossel: Some research on genetically modified foods became taboo because of protests from the left. That may have prevented a second Green Revolution to feed Africa. Scientists can’t even talk about whether genes affect intelligence without being threatened by the left.
Has the California Backlash Against Liberal Craziness Finally Begun?
While the nation continues to view California as a homogeneous voting block of individuals in lock step with an increasingly progressive liberal agenda, for Common Sense Californians up and down the left coast state, there’s a sense that a different tide is rising.
Media Trying to Stop Sinclair from Buying Tribune Is an Embarrassment
Dan Gainor: Since April Fools’ Day, The Washington Post has run 38 separate pieces on the controversy. By comparison, the Post ran just 20 mentioning the huge reboot of “Roseanne.”
President Trump Is Up While Elite Media Are Down
Newt Gingrich: Members of the elite media are collectively building an effort to uplift left-wing values and diminish the achievements of conservative leadership – specifically the Trump administration. However, after all this effort, President Trump’s approval rating has increased.
Film Takes Aim at America’s Hookup Culture and the Death of Dating
The entire process of gone. Instead, young people text each other to come over and “hang out.” Then they get naked.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Attack on Melania After Easter Egg Roll Is Despicable
Kimmel mocked Melania Trump’s accent. This type of anti-immigrant attack is only OK for leftists to make on people like Melania.
Statue of Slain US President May Be Torn Down to Appease Native Americans
Outrage from Native American activists and their supporters has led a liberal California city closer to tearing down what they considered an offensive monument — to President William McKinley. It’s the latest in a string of moves to scrap monuments decried as offensive to Native Americans — coming after the nationwide controversy over statues of Confederate leaders.
If the Second Amendment Fails, Our Entire Bill of Rights Collapses
Robert Charles: Once we begin whittling away at one of our rights in the Bill of Rights, what’s to stop the erosion of the others? Freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Changes like this wouldn’t be minor tinkering – they would amount to major disfigurement of America’s foundational document, equivalent to amputating a person’s arm or leg.
Trump Is Right — California Is Out of Control
Kerry Jackson: When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel.
Trump Is One of the Most Effective Communicators Ever to Serve as President
Mark Weinberg: If Trump doesn’t like a storyline in the media, he can with one tweet change the entire narrative. Reagan was a great communicator, but Donald Trump is an even more powerful one.
March for Our Lives DC Crowd Smaller Than Organizers’ Estimates
Organizers of the March for Our Lives demonstration in Washington, D.C., claimed Sunday that some 850,000 people attended the pro-gun control event, but an imaging company said the turnout was much less. Virginia-based Digital Design & Imaging Service Inc., which uses aerial photos to calculate crowd sizes, reported the event’s peak crowd size was at 202,796 people.
Senator Tom Cotton: Why I Support Pompeo at State, Haspel at CIA
Sen. Tom Cotton: They are dedicated, hardworking patriots and would serve our country with distinction—because they have no illusions about the dangers our country faces.