Had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, she would have replaced the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia with a liberal jurist — giving the Supreme Court a left-wing activist majority for a generation. Because Trump won, Neil M. Gorsuch was confirmed to replace Scalia, securing the court’s 5-to-4 conservative majority.
Publication: Fox News
Primaries Bring Good News for Trump and Republicans
Primaries Tuesday showed the power of President Trump’s endorsements continued to help Republican candidates triumph, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., lost a key lieutenant – Rep. Joe Crowley – in a New York City race that suggests internal divisions among Democrats are more serious than people might think.
Democrats Face Trouble from Population Losses in High-Tax, Blue States
Solid blue states are generally those with the highest state taxes. If they lose enough people, these states will eventually get fewer seats in the House of Representatives and fewer votes in the Electoral College, which determines who is elected as president.
Trump Is Acting Wisely and Compassionately on Illegal Immigration
Children should not be made to suffer for the actions of their parents. President Trump has compassion for these children. So does first lady Melania Trump, who showed this Thursday by visiting a detention center in Texas for children who entered the U.S. illegally.
Trump Will Make America Great Again in Space
Newt Gingrich: This week has shown how serious and determined the Trump-Pence team is about launching America into a new era of leadership in space – and ensuring our dominance there for generations to come.
5 Programming Ideas for Obama’s Netflix Deal
Programming idea #5: “Wheelbarrow of Fortune” — In this reality show, President Obama instructs the Treasury Department to have its employees push wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of $100 bills onto giant cargo planes that fly all that cash – $1.7 billion – to the corrupt anti-American Iranian government.
Trump’s Daughter-in-Law Showers Praise on President in Fox News Op-Ed
Lara Trump: Many politicians have spent years talking about wanting a fairer America, but President Trump is actually making it happen. It’s the president’s strong sense of fairness that underlies so much of what he does and has accomplished.
Trump Has Accomplished More Than Clinton, Bush and Obama Combined
Newt Gingrich: With his historic summit Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Trump has once again done something astounding and unpredictable. Yet, the surprise over the sudden summit should not have come as a surprise at all. By now we should be used to President Trump surprising us.
De Niro’s Crude Attack on Trump Proves Liberals Are Beside Themselves That He Keeps Winning
Courtesy of actor Robert De Niro, we finally have an admission that the Trump-hater agenda has moved from stupid “resisting” to mindless rage. Gone is any pretense that President Trump’s opponents are genuinely concerned about policy or about the condition of the country.
Trump’s Criticism of G-7 Is Unprecedented, But That’s the Whole Point
Steve Hilton: Doing things that are “unprecedented” is the very definition of Donald Trump’s mandate. That’s what he was elected to do. To shake things up. To change things. When you do something new, it is unprecedented. That’s literally what it means.
The Masterpiece Cakeshop Wins But It Ain’t Over Yet
Todd Starnes: Monday’s ruling should give some comfort to Christian business owners who primarily service the wedding industry – gay rights do not necessarily trump everyone else’s rights.
Is Loony Left Gov. Jerry Brown Killing California?
Steve Hilton: It seems that many of the Golden State’s extraordinary advantages are being recklessly undermined by a governor who likes to think of himself as a beacon of rectitude – but who has a record of bumbling incompetence, special interest corruption and ideological extremism that places him firmly on the Loony Left.
The Silence of the Left Is Deafening Regarding the Ivanka Slur
Where are all the voices of so-called female empowerment coming to Ivanka’s defense? Will the ladies on “The View” call out Bee for her vulgarity and defend Ivanka? Imagine their outrage if one of them had been called a “feckless c—” on national television.
ABC Doesn’t Hate Roseanne — It Hates Her Viewers
Todd Starnes: I contend ABC executives privately despised the program and were just looking for a reason to cancel the show…ABC’s highest rated program attracted a huge audience of gun-toting, flag-waving, blue collar Trump supporters. And I believe that embarrassed network executives.
Harvard Gives Hillary Award for “Transforming Society” — Even When You Lose You Get a Trophy
Harvard awarded its Radcliffe Medal to Hillary Clinton on Friday for her “transformative impact on society.” That’s not a misprint. The prestigious Ivy League university is giving the woman who ran for president and lost, twice, an award for transforming society.
Democrats’ Blue Wave Has Evaporated
Democrats have suffered an epic collapse in approval ratings, threatening their efforts to retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the November midterm elections. They have only themselves to blame.
Seattle Created Its Homeless Problem and Now It’s Making It Worse
Seattle never learns. The city says it has a homelessness problem that is getting out of control and something needs to be done about it. But Seattle’s ultra-liberal politicians are making things worse by insisting on more bloated government to solve a problem bloated government created.
North Korea Is Acting Up Because Trump Has It Cornered
North Korea’s recent temper tantrum over U.S.-South Korean military exercises and its threat to pull out of its upcoming summit with President Trump are signs that Trump’s North Korea strategy is working.
It’s Time to Wrap Up the Mueller Investigation
Over the past year Mueller has managed to spend $10 million in taxpayer funds, taken up enormous amounts of time of people being questioned, forced many to run up big legal bills, and had a disruptive effect on the functioning of the White House. His probe has dominated the news, squeezing out coverage of many of the Trump administration’s accomplishments.
Trump’s Jerusalem Embassy Move Validates 3,500 Years of Jewish History
Unlike his predecessors who never lived up to their campaign promises — Trump just did. His place in history and in the annals of the people of Israel are secured forever.
Melania Shows Why America Is Falling in Love with Her
True to her own unique style, first lady Melania Trump unveiled her policy platform Monday, which is counter to the traditional single-issue initiatives we’ve become accustomed to seeing first ladies take on. Instead she chose a broad approach to a campaign that tackles several issues our nation’s children face.
The Experts Were Wrong in 2016 and They Could Be Wrong in 2018
Newt Gingrich: The national media have remained ignorant of political realities. Their thinking is clouded by their hostility to the Trump presidency, their incestuous and incessant gossip about what they define as important, and their isolation from the Americans who voted for and continue to support President Trump.
The Mueller Probe Is a Political Counter-Revolution to Overthrow Trump
Steve Hilton: The elitists in Washington (including – frighteningly – current and former leadership in our law enforcement and security bureaucracy) are monumentally aggrieved that the people had the temerity to elect a populist outsider to the White House. And they’re not prepared to wait for the 2020 election to try to replace populist Donald Trump.
Just How Much Federal Waste Are Your Tax Dollars Funding?
It’s hard to know where to begin, but here are some examples like $1.5 million for sex education for prostitutes and $200,000 to design a better condom lubricant.