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Here’s What the Left Doesn’t Get About America

Fox News

Harry Kazianis: Around 2011, however, I finally reached the point where I could no longer swallow the radicalized rhetoric coming from the left. The reasons were complex, but there was one thing above all else that planted me firmly in the Republican camp: the left’s need to constantly trash or see America in a negative light.

Liberals Still Hysterical Over Hillary’s Loss Get Their Own Disease

Fox News

Today’s “feeling as though the world is going to end” is now a hallmark of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, a term meant to identify and mock people back from the edge of a mass hysteria assigning everything horrible in the history of humanity to a guy who was simply better and smarter at campaigning, and liked the American people more than his opponent.

Did We Expect Trump to Call Putin a Liar on Global TV? (Pro)

Fox News

What would have been the point of traveling to Helsinki and arranging a summit between the world’s two biggest nuclear powers, only to scuttle the chance at a new and improved relationship? It wasn’t going to happen, and in fact Trump hinted at that beforehand, when he told reporters not to expect “a Perry Mason” moment.

Fox News Forced to Scrap Live Show on SCOTUS Decision Amid Volatile Protests

Fox News

Fox News anchor Shannon Bream was forced to bail on her live show on Monday from the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court amid tense protests after President Trump chose Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy. In a pair of tweets, Bream said the atmosphere at the scene was “volatile” as rowdy demonstrators gathered to protest Trump’s Supreme Court nomination.

July 4 Is Not About Barbecues or Fireworks

Fox News

John Stossel: Government has grown so much since the founding that you might not even be able to buy fireworks where you live. In much of America they are now illegal because government officials have declared them to be too dangerous. Yet the Declaration and Constitution weren’t written to make government provide for public safety.