Marc Thiessen: There is no pattern here of bad behavior by Kavanaugh toward women. The only pattern of bad behavior is the Democrats’ shameful willingness to destroy a person’s reputation based on unsubstantiated allegations.
Publication: Fox News
Rosenstein’s Coup Attempt to Depose Trump Should Not Go Unpunished
Gregg Jarrett: Those who abused their positions of power to subvert the rule of law and undermine the democratic process should be held accountable. It should begin with the firing of Rod Rosenstein. It should end with a presentment to a grand jury for potential criminal indictments.
Trump Calls New Kavanaugh Accusations “Totally Political” and Stands by Nominee
The president, signaling the White House would dig in and defend Kavanaugh amid the onslaught of allegations, called the situation “one of the single most unfair, unjust things to happen to a candidate.”
Democrats Only Care About Keeping a Republican Off the Supreme Court
Tucker Carlson: The Democrats could have helped clear this up weeks ago if they had asked Kavanaugh about Ford’s story as he sat before them for days in the U.S. Senate. That’s what hearings are for. But they didn’t do that. Instead, they hid what they knew in order to cause maximum political damage. Now, in the process they overturned his life but they also overturned Christine Ford’s life.
Emmy Awards Roasted for Mocking Middle America
Hollywood may have laughed when Emmys host Michael Che said the only white people who thank Jesus are “Republicans and ex-crackheads,” but Tinseltown’s latest middle finger to Middle America fell flat in flyover country, and may have contributed to the telecast’s all-time low viewership.
Some Journalists Are Happy to Pitch in on Last-Ditch Hit Job on Kavanaugh
The Supreme Court nomination seems like a new season of “House of Cards,” with many in the media helping write the script.
After Trump Won, Google Cried in Its Safe Space. Can We Trust Them Now?
L. Brent Bozell: Google is too strong, too secretive and too disingenuous to trust with our elections.
Dem Congressional Candidate Was a Member of an Anti-Semitic, Anti-Black Club
Scott Wallace, a liberal millionaire candidate running for Congress in Pennsylvania, was a member of a controversial private club in South Africa that used to discriminate against Jewish and black people and invited controversial speakers, including former head of the Apartheid chemical and biological warfare program.
Angry Obama Still Doesn’t Get It as He Hits the Campaign Trail
Nothing better highlights his misguided ambitions and priorities than the Paris Climate accord. Obama embraced that toothless celebration of global cooperation even though it would hobble the U.S. economy and its powerhouse energy industries while enabling the continued expansion of China, by far the world’s biggest carbon emitter.
Why Deep State Throat Hurt His Own Cause by Trashing Trump in the Times
If the “senior administration official” is trying to quietly stop the president from wrong-headed decisions, why brag about it in a national newspaper… It only makes sense if the source is acting out of selfish motives, hoping for an eventual book deal (once he’s outed or quits) and retroactive fame as the anguished insider who tried to stop Trump.
Kavanaugh Confirmation Chaos Offers a Preview of What Life Would Be Like if Dems Ran the Government
Halloween might not be until next month, but rest assured if Tuesday was any indicator, every scare tactic in the book will be employed this week by the frightening liberals.
Kavanaugh Hearing Chaos Coordinated by Schumer and Top Dems
The chaotic start to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing was coordinated from the top by Democratic senators who wanted to stall the Supreme Court nomination process amid complaints about access to documents.
Kavanaugh Is Not Anti-Women
Instead of examining his qualifications or judicial record, those opposed to Judge Brett Kavanaugh are working overtime to smear his reputation with false charges. Democrats and Planned Parenthood are insulting the intelligence of Americans.
Trump Keeps Racking Up Victories Despite the Liberal Media’s Desperate Efforts
Newt Gingrich: It is clear that the president’s judicial and economic victories build his prestige, and that prestige is giving him the muscle to reshape the Republican Party. It is an amazing story. No one in the liberal mainstream media apparently understands, but historians will look back on this period in amazement.
CNN Goes All in on Carl Bernstein’s Collapsing Cohen Story
A full-blown war of words between the first family and CNN broke out late Wednesday on Twitter, with the cable network mounting an unprecedented attack on President Trump.
Ocasio-Cortez’s Socialist Fairytale Could Destroy the American Dream
If you think the “socialist paradise” nations of Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are the greatest countries on the planet, Ocasio-Cortez is the candidate for you.
Trump Replaces NAFTA and Triumphs
President Trump understood the simple math that countries with which we have trade deficits would have to come to the negotiating table.
Why John McCain Was an Inspiration to Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich: McCain’s independence was bipartisan. He was prepared to take on President Bush and he was prepared to take on President Obama. That is how our Constitution is supposed to work.
Trump Won’t Lose Supporters Over Cohen, Manafort — Despite What Liberal Media Are Spewing
The liberal media suggest that President Trump is on a sinking ship and will be soon be losing the support of a large number of his followers – the group Hillary Clinton dismissively described as “a basket full of deplorables.” Don’t believe it.
Trump Likely Safe After Cohen Guilty Plea
There is very little chance that President Trump will face charges over the payments that Cohen admitted to coordinating. In a similar case, former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina was indicted by the Justice Department over payments some of his supporters made to his mistress when Edwards ran for president in 2008. Edwards was prosecuted on six counts. He was acquitted on one and the jury couldn’t decide on the other five.
San Francisco Introduces “Poop Patrol” to Clean Up After Its Own Crappy Liberal Policies
The city’s liberal policies designed to welcome the homeless and encourage illegal drug use is turning the city from a high-tech haven of beauty and cleanliness, to what UC Berkeley professor Lee Riley described as unsanitary conditions “much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India.”
Democrats Have No Idea What Demons They Are Unleashing
Newt Gingrich: Think about the left-wing activists taking over classrooms to prevent conservative voices from speaking. Think about the rash of people being attacked for wearing MAGA hats. Think about the violence of Antifa. Perhaps it is not so difficult to imagine.
Desperate Anti-Trump Media Elevates a Strange Trio to Discredit the President
In the media’s latest tactic to take down President Trump in the court of public opinion, anti-Trump journalists are pinning their hopes on a porn star, a corrupt lawyer and a reality TV star. It almost sounds like the beginning of a bad joke – except this is unfortunately our present reality.
Ocasio-Cortez Claims Have Fact Checkers Working Overtime
New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has excited the liberal base with her media blitz touting Medicare-for-all, the elimination of ICE and more. But the Democrat’s rapid-fire claims about the state of the economy and other issues have fact-checkers scrambling to provide a reality check.