Laura Ingraham: Michelle Obama collected more magazine covers than vegetables from the White House garden. While a real cover girl, First Lady Melania Trump, of course, an actual supermodel, is lucky if she gets her picture in the “Parade” magazine insert.
Publication: Fox News
As Democrats Try to Steal Elections, Their Dishonesty Threatens the Very Fabric of Our Country
Newt Gingrich: The fact is that after all of their feigned worries about Russia influencing the election, Democrats will end up stealing a lot more votes than Vladimir Putin ever dreamed of taking.
Trump’s Midterm Victory and the Democrats’ Race to Defeat
Laura Ingraham: All things considered, it was a very, very good night for Republicans and a major win for Donald Trump.
Trump Did the Right Thing by Telling Sessions “You’re Fired”
Gregg Jarrett: Attorney General Jeff Sessions – who at long last turned in his resignation Wednesday after it was justifiably requested by President Trump – did more damage to the Trump presidency and to the nation than any public official in modern history. He clearly deserved to be fired long ago.
Midterm Elections Prove Trump’s Critics Still Underestimate Him
At the end of the day, it can be safely concluded that without the president’s indefatigable efforts on the campaign trail, without those huge rallies in 11 states in the last 8 days, the GOP might well not have held the Senate. He stirred up the base, warning that the thousands marching north from Central America would storm our border, and pushed them to vote.
America Will Get Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco Values if Democrats Take the House
San Francisco values have put the town at the forefront of the urban decay that affects most major cities, especially those on the West Coast. The place is literally awash in human waste, with the new mayor observing, “I will say there is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here.”
Birthright Citizenship Is a Scam
Tucker Carlson: Every year tens of thousands of foreign nationals come to this country on tourist visas solely to give birth to children. The Chinese are strongly overrepresented in this. One ad in China offers “high-end U.S. birth tourism specialists” for just $20,000.
The Media’s Orchestrated Smear of Brett Kavanaugh
Buried in last week’s news cycle was a revelation that NBC sat on information that would help exonerate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and further discredit one of his accusers Julie Swetnick. The revelation is also proof that the mainstream media and the left willfully engaged in an orchestrated smear campaign to try and derail Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation.
Media’s Rock Star Dems — Beto, Gillum and Abrams — About to Flame Out
Laura Ingraham: As voters head to the polls, it would serve them well to see through the liberal media pixie dust to the reality of who these so-called Democrat superstars really are, and more importantly what they believe in: Open borders, higher taxes, government-run healthcare, gun control, and more regulations on business.
Migrant Caravan Is a Political Gift to Trump
President Trump understands Americans’ desire for law and order and their need to feel safe.
Staffs of Tech Giants Splurge on Democrats Ahead of Midterms
Employees of tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter have given a total of $2.4 million to House and Senate candidates, according to Federal Election Commission filings. Of that, only $176,000 – just 8 percent – went to Republicans.
Dear Hollywood, Stop Ruining Fairy Tales with Your Politically Correct Nonsense
Keira Knightley noted recently that in her house “Cinderella” is “banned, because she waits around for a rich guy to rescue her.” And the “Little Mermaid” is out too for making a bad decision at the beginning of the movie, also to catch a boy’s attention.
Trump’s Threat to Use Military to Close Our Border Is a Smart Move
President Trump acted boldly and decisively Thursday when he threatened to send troops to close our southern border and cut off payments to Mexico and Central American countries if Mexico fails to halt a caravan of about 4,000 Hondurans headed for the U.S.
New Rallying Cry of GOP Is “Remember Kavanaugh” and It May Lead to Midterm Victory
Newt Gingrich: The national conversation has clearly continued to build toward a condemnation of the left and a sense of defending decent people from smears and character assassination.
Elizabeth Warren Has Appointed Herself Head of the #MeSioux Movement
Tucker Carlson: Elizabeth Warren has used her fake Indian heritage to frame herself as somebody affected by America’s sad history of racial discrimination. Warren posed as a victim because on the left, victimhood is power.
Democrats Aren’t the Party of Women
They’re the party of exploiting them for political gain.
Trump Could Be the Most Honest President in Modern History
When it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness — keeping his promises — Trump is a paragon of honesty. For better or worse, since taking office Trump has done exactly what he promised he would do.
Susan Collins’ Speech Tells Us a Lot About the GOP and America
Collins’ speech was important and valuable. And for those of us who support President Trump and have been extremely critical of the GOP establishment, it was a reminder of what we can accomplish working together.
What the FBI Report Really Tells Us
The new FBI report on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh that was reviewed by senators Thursday makes it clear that there is absolutely no reason to further delay the confirmation vote on his nomination.
Anti-Kavanaugh Protestors Accosting Senators Have Ties to Soros
The women involved came from a nonprofit called Center for Popular Democracy that has received funding from liberal billionaire George Soros, records show.
Ex-Boyfriend Says Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick Threatened to Kill His Unborn Child
The ex-boyfriend of Julie Swetnick, the third woman to make uncorroborated, lurid allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, told Fox News exclusively on Monday that she had threatened to kill his unborn child and at times even bizarrely asked him to hit her.
Democrats Will Pay in November for Overplaying Kavanaugh Hand
Two weeks of this fiery assault, we have our first peak at what the American people think. To the surprise of progressives, Ford does not have an avalanche of support. Instead, the country is split. More importantly, independents are split. That gives vacillating Senators…the political room to vote on facts and due process rather than at knifepoint from screaming mobs.
At Kavanaugh Hearing, Democrats’ Outrageous Conduct Victimizes Him, Ford and All Americans
Gregg Jarrett: The emotion Kavanaugh evinced during the hearing cannot be feigned. When it finally spilled out, it was real and raw. His justifiable anger at being falsely accused of sexually assaulting Professor Christine Blasey Ford when both were teenagers some 36 years ago was palpable.
Can the #MeToo Movement in Politics Survive?
In their zeal to do absolutely anything to keep Judge Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court, Democrats are treating unsubstantiated allegations about his conduct in high school and college as the Gospel truth. At the same time, they have forgiven serious sexual misconduct – proven and alleged – by Democratic men many years older and in positions of power.