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Midterm Elections Prove Trump’s Critics Still Underestimate Him

Fox News

At the end of the day, it can be safely concluded that without the president’s indefatigable efforts on the campaign trail, without those huge rallies in 11 states in the last 8 days, the GOP might well not have held the Senate. He stirred up the base, warning that the thousands marching north from Central America would storm our border, and pushed them to vote.

Birthright Citizenship Is a Scam

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Every year tens of thousands of foreign nationals come to this country on tourist visas solely to give birth to children. The Chinese are strongly overrepresented in this. One ad in China offers “high-end U.S. birth tourism specialists” for just $20,000.

The Media’s Orchestrated Smear of Brett Kavanaugh

Fox News

Buried in last week’s news cycle was a revelation that NBC sat on information that would help exonerate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and further discredit one of his accusers Julie Swetnick. The revelation is also proof that the mainstream media and the left willfully engaged in an orchestrated smear campaign to try and derail Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation.

Democrats Will Pay in November for Overplaying Kavanaugh Hand

Fox News

Two weeks of this fiery assault, we have our first peak at what the American people think. To the surprise of progressives, Ford does not have an avalanche of support. Instead, the country is split.  More importantly, independents are split. That gives vacillating Senators…the political room to vote on facts and due process rather than at knifepoint from screaming mobs.

Can the #MeToo Movement in Politics Survive?

Fox News

In their zeal to do absolutely anything to keep Judge Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court, Democrats are treating unsubstantiated allegations about his conduct in high school and college as the Gospel truth. At the same time, they have forgiven serious sexual misconduct – proven and alleged – by Democratic men many years older and in positions of power.