Many of L.A’s anti-Israel protesters are being funded and expertly coached by the same anti-West puppet-masters who sprang BLM on us a decade ago.
Publication: Fox News
Europe Is Turning Right. Could Trump Lead the Way for the U.S. Next?
Voters on the European continent are rebelling. They are moving away from entrenched liberal parties and their suffocating policies. Is America next?
DEI Divides Americans
By Greg Gutfeld: While smart people know DEI is racist, the most coddled bigots in America, talking heads on MSNBC, they can’t get enough of it, and if you don’t like DEI, well, then you’re the racist.
Europe’s Electoral Earthquake Might Signal Voters Are Sick of Far-Left Government
By Newt and Calista Gingrich: European government learns voters don’t want illegal immigration and a far-left bureaucracy.
Biden’s Mental Decline Jeopardizes U.S. Security
President Woodrow Wilson had similar health issues to Biden while in office and that undermined national security.
Blue American vs Red America
Blue America staffs the legacy media, which is why Red America walked away from blue media.
Biden’s Crusade Against U.S. Energy Harms America
By Governor Rick Perry: Bipartisan congressional opposition stands up to Biden’s anti-energy crusade.
Trump’s Trial Shows the Ominous Evolution of Our Criminal Justice System
Some prosecutors and judges might see the Trump case as a new path forward.
Trump’s Defense Dismantles Prosecution’s Imaginary Crimes
It is incomprehensible that Manhattan DA Bragg would rely on Michael Cohen, a chronic liar, to convict Trump but he had nothing else.
Blue Line Getting Thinner in West Coast States as Police Move to Idaho
High concentration of retired and active first responders in Idaho not a coincidence.
The GOP Could Dominate for Decades If Just Three People Could Get Along
They are: Nikki Haley, former Maryland governor Larry Hogan and Donald Trump. For the first time in 100 years, Republicans can be the party that sets the long-term agenda and controls the political playing field, instead of merely standing athwart history yelling “stop.”
Another Surprising Reason Biden Should Step Aside Now
Though Vice President Harris’ approval ratings are still poor, she is arguably more capable now than President Biden.
Trump Sees Biden Debate Bid and Raises It
The former president wonders if current president will even show up to the first one much less two or four.
Liar Michael Cohen Can Run, But He Can’t Hide from the Truth
By Greg Jarrett: Disbarred and disgraced, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s name is now synonymous with “serial perjurer.”
Michael Cohen’s Lies Could Sink DA Bragg’s Case
Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen insists, once again, that this time he’s actually telling the truth and he wants jurors to believe him.
Michael Cohen Is a Chronic and Habitual Liar
Cohen is a disgraced, disbarred, and convicted perjurer who resided in a federal prison for the incalculable number of lies he peddled for years. He lied to banks, and he lied to Congress. Undeterred, Cohen is still lying
Stormy Daniels Self-Destructed Under a Devastating Cross-Examination
Stormy Daniels is only casually acquainted with the concept of truth. She massages it or offends it whenever it suits her.
DEI in the Control Tower Threatens Airline Safety
It’s no exaggeration to say the aviation industry is courting death and destruction.
Leftist Media Outlets Are Dying at the Worst Time for Biden
Fewer mainstream media outlets means, the left is limited in its ability to craft the narrative of our society
Antifa Returns with a Vengeance in College Mobs
College mobs highlight Antifa’s influence and coordination. The group might just be getting started.
The Show Trial of Donald Trump
The railroading of the former president is in plain sight.
NY vs Trump: A Trial in Search of an Imaginary Crime
The Trump hush money trial is like ‘Waiting for Godot’ —a chaotic and nonsensical plot of absurdist fiction.
Spoiled Children Have Seized the Colleges We Pay for
Biden wants every American to forgive the woke, spoiled children their college debt of $1 trillion.
Blue States May Soon Charge You an Exit Tax
Ready to pick up and move to another state? Well, you might have to think twice because broke blue states are coming up with a new, creative way to tax you when you cross the border: the EXIT TAX.