Tucker Carlson: Those who say it is are lying to you. Not all immigrants are the same.
Publication: Fox News
Dems Are Playing the Radicalization Olympics But They May Never Win the White House Gold Medal
Laura Ingraham: Radical Dems are very willing to destroy American institutions.
Beto Is a Real Danger to America and Must Not Be Allowed Near the White House
Vanity is Beto’s defining characteristic. He thinks we want to see him at the dentist. He thinks we want to know about the “funk” he was in after he lost his Senate race last year. He thinks we want to know everything about him — except his actual policies.
What Does Beto Stand For? Who Cares?
Tucker Carlson: A new candidate has entered the race, a man untethered from the old ways, possibly even from the conventional restrictions of physics, time and space. More a spiritual force than a temporal leader. More a poet than a politician. Ladies and gentlemen, the author of our redemption, Beto O’Rourke.
Media Matters’ President Angelo Carusone Is a Bigot
And Chris Hayes ignored his “racist blog” posts when he was a guest on MSNBC.
Don’t Believe Pelosi; AOC Is the Democrats’ Real Leader
Sean Hannity: The person that’s really leading the Democratic Party, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., doesn’t think Trump’s impeachment is off the table. I believe her more than Pelosi. Pelosi is utterly controlled by these new radicals.
Democrats Downplay Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism and Will Rue the Day They Did So
Karl Rove: Ms. Omar’s anti-Semitic slur on Americans who support the close relationship between the U.S. and its long-time democratic ally was offensive but not surprising: it came from someone who tweeted in 2012, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”
The Left Is Working to Crush Dissent While CNN Applauds
Tucker Carlson: When CNN says this network (Fox News) should not be allowed to host a Democratic debate, what they are really saying is that disagreement shouldn’t be allowed. They are making the case against compromise and against bipartisanship.
1 Million Illegal Aliens at the Border Is a Crisis
Tucker Carlson: That’s more than the entire population of San Francisco or Boston or Washington, D.C., every single year, coming by foot, over just one of our international borders. That is a crisis, manufactured or not.
Here’s the Proof That There’s a National Emergency on the Border
Brandon Judd: As a 21-year front line veteran Border Patrol agent and president of the National Border Patrol Council, I’d like to put to bed the false notion that there is no national emergency on the United States/Mexico border. I hope facts will do the trick.
AOC and Other Extremists Dems Look to Purge Party of Moderates
The way things are going, the far-left wing of the Democratic Party will either drive the moderates from their ranks or force them into submission. Whatever the outcome, the ideological infighting is sure to weaken their electoral prospects in 2020.
Socialism vs. the American Way of Life Will Be on the 2020 Ballot
A wrong choice in the next election could set this nation on a road from which there will be no turning back.
The Real Reason Liberals Refuse to Acknowledge Trump’s Success with N. Korea
Laura Ingraham: Making progress with a communist regime, a brutal dictatorship, isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s extremely difficulty. But It is really good news that America is talking to Kim. And it is certainly better than being on the brink of war.
Michael Cohen’s Backstabbing, Personal Betrayal of Trump Will Fail
Geraldo Rivera: To Democrats, the potentially giant step toward making the planet safer that Trump is taking in Vietnam pales in comparison to the opportunity to unsettle his presidency and possibly pave the way for his eventual impeachment.
The Left Is Rooting for Trump to Fail with North Korea
Sean Hannity: Their hatred of the president is psychotic.
How Dumb, Arrogant AOC Became the Boss of the Democratic Party
Tucker Carlson: In less than two months, Ocasio-Cortez has basically convinced the entire leadership of the Democratic Party to buy into her Green New Deal, to ratify it. It’s a perfect plan. It would shut down the entire American economy, except for the hedge funds that fund Democratic campaigns.
Oscars Reveal Liberal Hollywood’s Biggest Failing — a Basic Sense of Fairness
Like academics in our universities, Hollywood elites undermine their high-minded claims of inclusiveness by shunning diversity of opinion. They disdain different voices, and so disdain millions of Americans. Those folks are not stupid, which is why they probably didn’t watch the Oscars Sunday night.
Smollett Case Proves That Journalism in This Country Is Dead and Buried
Sean Hannity: This is about so much more than an overpaid, attention seeking, wanting a raise, Trump-hating actor. The Smollett case represents another example of what I have been saying since 2007 and 2008: Journalism in this country is dead.
ISIS Brides Aren’t Welcome. They Deserve the Same Treatment as Men Who Embraced Terror
An Alabama woman, who willingly left her family to join the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, is now begging to return home to the United States. The simple answer to that? No.
Every Day, Another Wacky Liberal Enters the 2020 Field
Laura Ingraham: if Biden runs, he’s going to have to make lots of promises to the AOC crowd meaning, in the end, the result ends up the same. My friends, if Democrats win, they’re coming to take your money…They want to blow it on pipe dream policies that may sound kind of cool at a rally but in practice, they never work.
Why the Left So Desperately Wanted to Believe in Jussie and Not in America
Tucker Carlson: The Smollett story had everything for a national media that long ago gave up the pretense of gathering news. Journalism is now explicitly a political job, the point of which is to enforce cultural orthodoxies and punish enemies. Jussie Smollett was the perfect vehicle for both of those things.
The Deep State and the Greatest Abuse of Power and Corruption in US History
Sean Hannity: Now, over the next year, with a brand new Attorney General William Barr, this country, we’ve got to decide. Do you want to save the United States?…Do you want a dual justice system or do you want America to be handed off to your kids and grandkids as a banana republic?
California’s High-Speed Rail Was a Joke from the Start
Laura Ingraham: Oh the excitement, oh the promise, it seems like only yesterday when the Democrats were crowing about how government-funded high-speed rail would revolutionize travel in the United States.
There Was No Russian Collusion: It Was All Fake
Tucker Carlson: There is no evidence whatsoever that the Trump campaign conspired in any way with the government of Vladimir Putin during the last presidential election. That is apparently the conclusion of the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. That Committee spent two years investigating this question.