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What Does Beto Stand For? Who Cares?

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: A new candidate has entered the race, a man untethered from the old ways, possibly even from the conventional restrictions of physics, time and space. More a spiritual force than a temporal leader. More a poet than a politician. Ladies and gentlemen, the author of our redemption, Beto O’Rourke.

Every Day, Another Wacky Liberal Enters the 2020 Field

Fox News

Laura Ingraham:  if Biden runs, he’s going to have to make lots of promises to the AOC crowd meaning, in the end, the result ends up the same. My friends, if Democrats win, they’re coming to take your money…They want to blow it on pipe dream policies that may sound kind of cool at a rally but in practice, they never work.

There Was No Russian Collusion: It Was All Fake

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: There is no evidence whatsoever that the Trump campaign conspired in any way with the government of Vladimir Putin during the last presidential election. That is apparently the conclusion of the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. That Committee spent two years investigating this question.