Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee – some of them candidates for their party’s presidential nomination and hungry for TV exposure – battered Attorney General William Barr Wednesday with hostile and often insulting questions when he testified about his handling of the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But Barr remained unflappable.
Publication: Fox News
Press Suck Up to Power Instead of Defending the First Amendment at WH Correspondents Dinner
Tucker Carlson: Where were these same people last summer when the Big Tech companies colluded to silence broadcaster Alex Jones? “Alex Jones, he is bad.” CNN literally led the effort to make him be quiet. Jeff Zucker doesn’t agree with Alex Jones’ political views, therefore he thinks Alex Jones shouldn’t be allowed to talk.
Joe Biden Should Be Called Joe China — and Never Be Allowed Near the White House Again
Steve Hilton: Biden loves to tout his foreign policy experience. And yes, he has plenty of experience with foreign governments – or should I say, their lobbyists. Foreign government lobbying, one of the most inexcusable swamp practices, was all part of the job for Joe Biden when he was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
The Democratic Presidential Field Is Flush with Contenders — for Vice President
Now that Joe Biden has officially announced his candidacy, it is time to point out the obvious. There are twenty or so announced Democrat candidates running for president — except they are not. Some know they can’t win and, among them, they have ulterior motives. Running for vice president is first among them.
The Green New Deal and the One Thing No Ever Wants to Talk About
John Stossell: Because wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine, “renewable” energy requires many more transmission lines and bigger batteries. Unfortunately, you have to mine materials for batteries. Those mines are environmentally hazardous. Disposing of batteries is hazardous.
Democrats Cling to Russia Probe Because It’s All They’ve Got
It has been clear from the start that the collusion probe has been a stand-in for policy.
The Russia Hoax Was the Biggest Con Job in History
Sean Hannity: But equal justice is coming…For all of you Democrats who claimed to love transparency, well, buckle up. You’re about to get what you’ve been wishing for.
Media-Democrat Complex Whines Over Barr’s Press Conference
The caterwauling over the press conference called by the Justice Department so Attorney General William Barr can formally announce the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report is another unabashed demonstration of the real collusion played out over the last three years: the media and the Democrats.
Hate-Trump Media Will Seek Anything in the Mueller Report to Bash Trump
Sean Hannity: The tide is turning dramatically. After this Thursday, the gig is up for the hate-Trump media mob and their Democratic allies, who, for over two and a half years, have been pushing their tin foil hat conspiracy theories and outright lies about collusion.
The Left Better Find a New Messiah Because It’s Not Buttigieg
Laura Ingraham: Mayor Pete seems to see federal government as a crusading force for good that should be used to protect us from our neighbors. Now understand this: That view itself is radical.
Trump Should Keep Purging His Administration of People Blocking His Agenda
This is President Trump at his absolute best, disrupting the failed establishment because all he cares about is doing his job and delivering his promises. Of course the president can — and should — get rid of people in the administration who are ineffective, or worse, effective at blocking what he was elected to do.
Assange’s Real Sin Was Preventing Hillary from Becoming President
Tucker Carlson: Whatever his sins, Assange did not steal documents from the United States government. He did not hack the DNC servers. He didn’t break into John Podesta’s Gmail account. There is no proof that he is working for the Russian government or ever has worked for the Russian government.
The Hate-Filled Dems Can’t Handle the Truth About the Trump Campaign Being Spied on
Sean Hannity: President Trump was right all along. We were right all along. The radical leftists and hate-Trump media have no character, no ethics, no integrity. They should be apologizing, retracting, correcting all of the damage that they have done. But they just double-down on lying.
Angry White Male Studies Course Illustrates Left-Wing Craziness on Campus
From sea to shining sea, America’s public K-12 schools and colleges are teaching our children a completely distorted view of history to accomplish their political goals – and they’re using your tax dollars to pay for it.
Dems Return to Racial-Pandering and Grievance-Peddling, and Sharpton’s the King-Maker
Laura Ingraham: Yes, my friends, there is a new left-wing sponsored by the Al Sharpton litmus test. And just like that, the 2020 Democrats are marching down his cynical and crooked reparations road. Their goal is to punish Americans who had nothing to do with slavery in order to appear as the most “woke” in the field.
Biden’s Hugs and Kisses Have Made Him a Punchline and No Politician Can Survive That
Voters can forgive a cad, but they can’t take a joke. While the cynical attacks on Joe Biden do not expose the former vice president as a sexual assailant, what they reveal is more politically damaging: Joe Biden isn’t a predator – he’s a punchline.
Why We Should Beware of the New Media Creation Pete Buttigieg
Laura Ingraham: The Mayor’s father Joseph Buttigieg was a committed Marxist, who affectionately embraced the Communist Manifesto and worked to “inject Marxism into the wider culture.” Pete was close with this father, which you can expect, but which will lead, of course, many voters to wonder how far the apple fell from the tree.
The Real Reason Biden Is Now Being Haunted by His Touchy-Feely Past
Laura Ingraham: Democrats, you have to ask yourself, what exactly is the #MeToo line you want to draw? Because you will live and die by that line. Well, Joe Biden is about to politically perish on that line. Democrat fanatics see him as one of the last remaining stumbling blocks to creating their socialist utopia. They need to stop him before he even enters the race.
Banning Chick-fil-A Is Not Only Bigoted, It’s Illegal
Last week, the San Antonio City Council voted to ban the popular restaurant chain Chick-fil-A from the San Antonio International Airport. Six members of the council voted to approve a new concession space contract on the express condition Chick-fil-A be excluded. Chick-fil-A’s sin? A history of religious activity that the city council found offensive.
Adam Schiff Is an Unbalanced Collusion Monger
Tucker Carlson: Schiff is an unbalanced hack with a weakness for conspiracy theories. There’s no part of the Russia hoax, no matter how absurd, he doesn’t believe and repeat wholeheartedly.
CNN Is Really a Super PAC, Colluding with the Democrats on the News You Hear
Tucker Carlson: When America’s most powerful Democrat speaks, CNN listens with pen in hand. These are marching orders, and the network swung into action immediately. The rundowns of every primetime show were scrapped and rebuilt.
Rachel Maddow and Her Mainstream Media Colleagues Should Apologize to the American People
Sean Hannity: Jeff Zucker, head of CNN, are you going to apologize for your network’s constant stream of lies and hysteria? Phil Griffin at MSNBC, are you going to apologize for the conspiracy theories you allow to be spread every second of every day? What about Jeff Bezos, Marty Baron? Are you going to come clean over the front page deception every day in the “Washington Post”?
“Trump-Russia Collusion” Was Always a Hoax
The hoax was based largely on an anti-Trump “dossier” conjured from the fertile imaginations of two nefarious characters: ex-British spy Christopher Steele; and Fusion GPS Founder, Glenn Simpson. It was commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democrats, then peddled all over Washington to journalists, the FBI, the State Department and the Department of Justice.
When the Mueller Report Shows Trump Didn’t Collude with Russia, Will Anyone Be Punished?
Tucker Carlson: Once the Mueller report appears, and it becomes incontrovertible that whatever his faults, Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians, the many people who have persistently claimed on the basis of no evidence that he did collude with the Russians, ought to be punished. Not indicted or imprisoned, obviously, but thoroughly shamed and forced to apologize.