Tomi Lahren: Well I warned you and here it is – California will become the first state to offer health care to illegal immigrants.
Publication: Fox News
Trump Is the Most Pro-Gay GOP President Ever
He is also the first president from either political party to enter the White House while supporting same-sex marriage, and he has made a bold commitment to eradicate HIV domestically by 2030. Taking all of this into account, Trump is situated to become the most pro-gay president ever.
John Dean, House Democrats and the Spirit of Scandals Past
Dean is a convicted felon who was disbarred following his criminal role in the Watergate scandal. More important for this farce of a hearing, though, is that Dean has absolutely no first-hand knowledge of the events in question. He’s no more qualified to testify about Russiagate than CNN’s Jim Acosta is to testify about real news…So why would the Democrats call this discredited buffoon away from the CNN studios?
Bloomberg to Coal Workers: You’re Fired!
The former New York City mayor has pledged to donate $500 million toward closing coal plants, a move that would put thousands of Americans out of work.
Elizabeth Warren Is Wrong About Fox News
Ellen Ratner: It is a fine place to work and to be thought of.
2 Courageous Dem Governors Stand Up to Radical Left in Their Party
Some courageous Democratic elected officials — Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards and Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak — are resisting their party’s turn to the extreme left. We should applaud them.
Why Is Trump Snubbed on Most American Campuses?
The real tragedy here is that the great universities are in danger of drifting away from the center of America’s public square. They are losing their relevance to the rest of us. Increasingly, elite liberal colleges look more like a sinkhole of student debt, and ground zero for the greedy and intolerant face of education corporatism.
Corporations, Not Voters, Are in Charge Now and Want to Boss You Around for the Activist Left
Tucker Carlson: For generations, consumers and voters held the real power in this country, but not anymore. Now corporations are in charge, and they’re happy to boss you around on behalf of the activist left. They’ll lie about it, of course, and tell you it’s all a matter of conscience. Right. As if they had consciences.
The 2 Faces of Robert Mueller
Mueller’s actions were not only noxious but patently unfair to Trump. The special counsel publicly besmirched the president with tales of suspicious behavior instead of stated evidence that rose to the level of criminality.
Bernie’s Education Plan Is Terrible for Minority Kids, but Great for Teachers Unions
If Sanders wins the 2020 election and successfully implements this proposal, it would effectively send America back to the education reform dark ages.
Americans Don’t Want Impeachment But Dems Aren’t Listening
The American people are sending a pretty clear message to Washington: They are sick and tired of the investigations into President Trump and don’t want Democrats in Congress to impeach him.
Enough Is Enough from Pelosi and Schumer
Democrats should stop investigating non-existent crimes and work with the president on rebuilding infrastructure and other actions to benefit the American people.
Our Leaders Will Not Defend Our Borders. The World Knows It and Is Coming for Our Wealth
Tucker Carlson: The American pinata has been getting pummeled for decades, and now it has finally come apart. Our national wealth is up for grabs by whomever gets here first, and they are coming. Over just the past year, 1 percent of the entire population of the nation of Guatemala has moved to the United States.
How Israel Prevented a Real Nuclear War
Newt Gingrich: Without Israel’s destruction of a project between Syria and North Korean, the world may have had to deal with a nuclear-armed ISIS.
Disgruntled Snowflakes Pitch Hissy Fit Over Pence Graduation Speech
A handful of Taylor University graduates and faculty members walked out just before Vice President Mike Pence addressed the graduating class Saturday…Some students said they felt “personally attacked” and were “physically shaking” after Pence had been invited. Other student feared they would feel “unsafe at their own graduation.”
Pelosi, Schumer Need to Back Trump’s Trade War with China
Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are about to sell American workers, and the country, down the drain.
Voters in Alabama Enacted Their Views into Law. That’s How Democracy Is Supposed to Work
Tucker Carlson: Abortion has never been popular in the state of Alabama. Since 1973, when a handful of Supreme Court justices imposed the most left-wing abortion regime in the world by fiat, voters in Alabama have strongly disagreed with the ideology of Roe vs. Wade.
Trump Didn’t Start This Trade War, China Did
Those who suggest Trump started this trade war with China have it backward. Beijing has been waging economic warfare on the United States for years.
Trump Is on Track for Lasting Legacy as President Who Ended AIDS in America
President Trump is continuing in the tradition of compassionate GOP leaders who understand the suffering endured by those contending with HIV.
Trump Has Been Right About China for Decades While the Entire Establishment Got It Wrong
Trump is the first western leader in 50 years to stand up to China.
Vultures Treat the Colorado Shooting Like a Political Prop
It wasn’t just gun control activists who came to Colorado on Wednesday to push an agenda after the tragedy at STEM School Highlands Ranch. The politicians, of course, were there. They were drawn to the scene as they always are.
Democrats Are in a Psychotic State of Denial Over the Mueller Report
Sean Hannity: It keeps spinning over and over in their little liberal brains. Every single thing you will hear from this day forward about Mueller, Russia and collusion and obstruction and President Trump is nothing but forever meaningless and just a lot of noise by bitter people.
The Big Lie That Barr Lied
The claim that Barr gave false testimony is frivolous. That is why, at least initially, Democrats and their media echo chamber soft-pedaled it — with such dishonorable exceptions as Mazie Horono, the Hawaii Democrat who, somehow, is a United States senator.
The Left’s Smear Campaign Against Barr: Stunts and Noise Vs. Substance and Poise
Laura Ingraham: if Democrats today focused more on improving the lives of everyday Americans, instead of acting out their silly scenes in like a “Kill Bill” sequel, maybe they would have more to show for their first 100 days of House rule than just ridiculous subpoenas and character assassination.