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CNN’s Lemon Uses Hitler Analogy

Fox News

We all know what concentration camps mean. Many know it too well. They’ve lost family to them. We don’t need coffee shop socialists or CNN lecturing us on semantics. It mocks the magnitude of the Holocaust. But this is all just a dog whistle — linking Hitler to Trump.

What Do Democrats Have Against Poor Working Americans?

Fox News

Doug MacKinnon: To all the Democratic politicians tripping over themselves to give away the tax money of hard-working American citizens to illegal immigrants, I have two questions for you: First, have you ever been a poor American citizen? Second, what do you have against poor American citizens?

Trump Is the Most Pro-Gay GOP President Ever

Fox News

He is also the first president from either political party to enter the White House while supporting same-sex marriage, and he has made a bold commitment to eradicate HIV domestically by 2030. Taking all of this into account, Trump is situated to become the most pro-gay president ever.

John Dean, House Democrats and the Spirit of Scandals Past

Fox News

Dean is a convicted felon who was disbarred following his criminal role in the Watergate scandal. More important for this farce of a hearing, though, is that Dean has absolutely no first-hand knowledge of the events in question. He’s no more qualified to testify about Russiagate than CNN’s Jim Acosta is to testify about real news…So why would the Democrats call this discredited buffoon away from the CNN studios?

Why Is Trump Snubbed on Most American Campuses?

Fox News

The real tragedy here is that the great universities are in danger of drifting away from the center of America’s public square. They are losing their relevance to the rest of us. Increasingly, elite liberal colleges look more like a sinkhole of student debt, and ground zero for the greedy and intolerant face of education corporatism.

The 2 Faces of Robert Mueller

Fox News

Mueller’s actions were not only noxious but patently unfair to Trump.  The special counsel publicly besmirched the president with tales of suspicious behavior instead of stated evidence that rose to the level of criminality. 

Disgruntled Snowflakes Pitch Hissy Fit Over Pence Graduation Speech

Fox News

A handful of Taylor University graduates and faculty members walked out just before Vice President Mike Pence addressed the graduating class Saturday…Some students said they felt “personally attacked” and were “physically shaking” after Pence had been invited. Other student feared they would feel “unsafe at their own graduation.”