When Robert Mueller testifies Wednesday about what we now know are false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 presidential campaign, House members should ask him why he failed to investigate the real collusion that took place between Russia and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Publication: Fox News
Mueller’s Testimony Will Not Give Dems What They Crave
Prepare to be disappointed. That should be Democrats’ mindset heading into Robert Mueller’s appearance this week before two House committees. The greater the anticipation of the testimony, the more the letdown is apt to be.
America’s Economy Is the Hottest in the World
Corey Lewandowski: The American story is one of innovation and growth — and as long as Americans keep their drive and economic policy continues to put America first, you can now, and forever, bet on America to be the hottest economy in the world.
Most of the 2020 Dems Are Zombie Candidates and Biden’s Campaign Is Deader Than Disco
Tucker Carlson: They’re long expired, but still lumbering around, pretending to be alive. As usual, the geniuses in the press corps are the last to know. They always are. You’ll probably see articles — long articles — and segments on television about candidate Joe Biden: How’s he doing? That will last for at least the next six months.
Omar Introduces Resolution Defending Boycott of Israel, Likens It to Boycotts of Nazi Germany
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against U.S. laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they so wish.
Trump Deserves Condemnation for “Racist” Comments (Anti-Trump Op-Ed)
Leslie Marshall: The 240-187 House vote Tuesday night to approve a resolution titled “Condemning President Trump’s racist comments directed at Member of Congress” was justified and necessary to hold the president accountable for his unacceptable attack on four Democratic House members who are all women of color.
When AOC and the “Squad” Are Talking, Dems Are Losing
Tucker Carlson: By singling out these four members of Congress, the president also highlighted their prominence in the Democratic Party. Six months ago, these were just four young lefties in a sea of 235 House Democrats. Now, they are the Democratic Party.
Liz Warren Is No More a Capitalist Than She Is a Native American
Unlike Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren rejects the “socialist” label, insisting that she’s a “capitalist to the bone.” However, Warren’s economic policies bespeak a socialist’s ambition to empower government and the elites who control it, rather than an understanding of capitalism’s potential to create opportunity and reward individual achievement.
Kamala’s $100 Billion Giveaway to Boost Home Ownership Could Do More Harm Than Good
Democrats seeking their party’s 2020 presidential nomination are in a competition to see who can give away the most money to the most people and expand government as much as possible – without admitting that the taxes we pay and the national debt would have to skyrocket to fund the giveaways.
The US Rescued Ilhan Omar and Look How She Responded
Tucker Carlson: Our country rescued Ilhan Omar from the single poorest place on Earth. We didn’t do it for the money, we did it because we are kind people. How did she respond to the remarkable gift we gave her? She scolded us, called us names, showered us with contempt. It’s infuriating. More than that, it is also ominous.
The Democratic Party Is Now a Religious Cult
Tucker Carlson: After almost 200 years, the Democrats were a political party with conventional political goals. That’s no longer true. The Democratic Party is now a religious cult, with all that implies. Dissent has been banned. Anyone who questions the party’s leftward fringe is denounced as a racist heretic.
Dems Confront the Unthinkable: Trump’s Reelection
Here’s the bitter truth for Democrats: the unending slamming of the president is not working.
AOC’s Attacks on Border Patrol Are Outrageous and Based on Lies
Brandon Judd: As the president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing 16,000 Border Patrol agents, I am personally and professionally offended by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outrageous, inflammatory and false claims about the dedicated law enforcement officers I represent.
Trump Scores Big at This Year’s G20
Donald Trump’s foreign policy vision is crystal clear — American interests must come first.
Millennials Be Warned: Dems’ “Free College” Won’t Lift the Burden of Student Debt
The Era of “Free” as a campaign platform is here, and millennials shouldn’t take the bait. In casting their hooks for the younger vote, the Democrat candidates at the first set of presidential primary debates showcased a platform of political bribery, including a radical push for “free college.”
Dems Are at War with Themselves and Chaos Reigns
Though several of the candidates gave strong performances and delivered crowd-pleasing one-liners, only one clear winner has emerged from these first debates: Donald Trump.
Dem Debate Reveals Wacky Things Required of Liberal Candidates
Not one candidate was pressed by the evening’s left-leaning moderators to explain how they would pay for the generous programs they all endorse. There was not a word about the cost of the Democratic free-for-all (free college, free health care, and more) that we’ve heard so much about.
Dems Bring Tax-and-Spend Lollapalooza to Center Stage
Hold on to your wallets! We are just days away from Tax-and-Spend Lollapalooza – otherwise known as the Democrat presidential candidate debates.
Sorry Media — Talking to Foreigners Does Not Violate Federal Campaign Laws
Hans von Spakovsky: A federal candidate who is freely given information is not receiving a “contribution” or “thing of value” and is thus not violating federal campaign finance law or the regulations issued by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). I know. I served as an FEC Commissioner.
Keeping America Great Is Exactly What Trump Has Done
Newt Gingrich: Keeping America great means keeping Americans working, increasing wages, and creating new jobs and new opportunities for Americans.
CNN’s Lemon Uses Hitler Analogy
We all know what concentration camps mean. Many know it too well. They’ve lost family to them. We don’t need coffee shop socialists or CNN lecturing us on semantics. It mocks the magnitude of the Holocaust. But this is all just a dog whistle — linking Hitler to Trump.
Vote Trump Because the Stakes in 2020 Are Even Higher Than in 2016
Donald Trump Jr.: We are no longer dealing with the party of Hillary Clinton, let alone the party of Bill Clinton. My father and his re-election campaign are all that stand between the prosperous, faithful, and peaceful America of the Trump economic boom, and the revenge-hungry, far-left extremist party of “The Resistance.”
Forget Trump, Dem Hypocrites Are Corrupted by Foreign Lobbying and Cash
Democrats are the ones corrupted by a foreign power.
What Do Democrats Have Against Poor Working Americans?
Doug MacKinnon: To all the Democratic politicians tripping over themselves to give away the tax money of hard-working American citizens to illegal immigrants, I have two questions for you: First, have you ever been a poor American citizen? Second, what do you have against poor American citizens?