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Omar Introduces Resolution Defending Boycott of Israel, Likens It to Boycotts of Nazi Germany

Fox News

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against U.S. laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they so wish.

Liz Warren Is No More a Capitalist Than She Is a Native American

Fox News

Unlike Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren rejects the “socialist” label, insisting that she’s a “capitalist to the bone.”  However, Warren’s economic policies bespeak a socialist’s ambition to empower government and the elites who control it, rather than an understanding of capitalism’s potential to create opportunity and reward individual achievement.

The US Rescued Ilhan Omar and Look How She Responded

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Our country rescued Ilhan Omar from the single poorest place on Earth. We didn’t do it for the money, we did it because we are kind people. How did she respond to the remarkable gift we gave her? She scolded us, called us names, showered us with contempt. It’s infuriating. More than that, it is also ominous.

The Democratic Party Is Now a Religious Cult

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: After almost 200 years, the Democrats were a political party with conventional political goals. That’s no longer true. The Democratic Party is now a religious cult, with all that implies. Dissent has been banned. Anyone who questions the party’s leftward fringe is denounced as a racist heretic.

CNN’s Lemon Uses Hitler Analogy

Fox News

We all know what concentration camps mean. Many know it too well. They’ve lost family to them. We don’t need coffee shop socialists or CNN lecturing us on semantics. It mocks the magnitude of the Holocaust. But this is all just a dog whistle — linking Hitler to Trump.

What Do Democrats Have Against Poor Working Americans?

Fox News

Doug MacKinnon: To all the Democratic politicians tripping over themselves to give away the tax money of hard-working American citizens to illegal immigrants, I have two questions for you: First, have you ever been a poor American citizen? Second, what do you have against poor American citizens?