Tucker Carlson: Immigration is not a security issue. That’s what Democrats want you to believe. Has there ever been a more bitter lie?
Publication: Fox News
The Obama’s $15 Million House of Hypocrisy
Former President Obama and the former first lady have reportedly made a bid of approximately $15 million on a home in Martha’s Vineyard…From telling small-business owners they “didn’t build that” to the 2018 speech in which he said, “There’s only so much you can eat. There’s only so big a house you can have. There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough,” the former president has spent his life spreading messages that disparage success.
Trump’s Pressure on China Is Working
Inflicting pain on China’s economy is the only way to convince its leaders that they must end the abusive trade practices that have illegitimately enriched that country – and empowered its totalitarian government – for decades.
Sean Spicer Shouldn’t Be Kept off “Dancing with the Stars” for the “Sin” of Working for Trump
Setting aside the fact that the decision to include Spicer has already accomplished its primary objective – elicit gobs of free earned media to boost ratings of the TV show – the acuteness of the indignation from the offended, while somewhat predictable and downright baseless, is nonetheless wildly disproportionate. For starters, retired NFL star Ray Lewis will also be joining the star-studded cast. He was indicted on murder and assault charges in 2000.
Trump Continues GOP’s Long History of Advancing Women’s Right and Opportunities
Overall, female unemployment is at its lowest point in 65 years, and a striking 58 percent of jobs created in 2018 went to women, as the female labor force participation rate hit its highest point in history.
Biden’s Friendship Is Not Real — Just Like His Chances for the White House
Tucker Carlson: Barack Obama only cares about his legacy and has refused to endorse Biden.
Trump-Haters Hype Up a Recession While the Real Economy Is Booming
The biggest threat to our economy comes from the loony left economic policies of the Democrats, which would scare off investment and bring back stagnation.
Trump Is in Big Trouble in 2020
Mary Anne Marsh: Numbers don’t lie. Under the current circumstances, Democrats should win the House, Senate, and White House in 2020. The warning signs are there for all to see. Ignore them at your peril.
Israel Is Smart About Omar, Tlaib — They Are Enemies of the Jewish State
Reps. Omar and Tlaib have built their brands on delegitimizing the Jewish state and working towards its destruction. Israel was right to deny them entry.
ICE and Border Patrol Are Targets for Left Wing Extremist. Where’s the Outrage from Dems?
Tom Homan: As the former acting director of ICE, I know firsthand what it’s like when federal law enforcement officers are targeted with threats of violence by the far left.
Comey’s FBI Was Running a Secret Counterintelligence Operation Against Trump
Newly obtained documents confirm that James Comey’s FBI was running a secret and corrupt counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016 and repeatedly deceiving the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) thereafter in order to wiretap a Trump campaign associate.
Media Go Far Beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome in Attacking President
The anti-Trump media went off the deep end this past week, concocting horror stories about the president they love to hate.
A Sincere Message to Washington and “Our Cable News Colleagues” from Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson: Please calm down. At what point do political attacks become so reckless and unhinged that you can no longer heal the divide they create with politics and force people towards something darker? Well, it’s hard to know exactly when that point is, but the left is getting very close to it.
New York Times Changes Its Headline, Caves to the Mob and Shows It Has Lost Its Mind
It’s rough being the New York Times aka the second-most liberal newspaper in the U.S. Mistakenly cover a news story with an accurate “head” and the left is calling for yours.
After Weekend Shootings, Trump Offers Real Reform That Deserves Bipartisan Support
On Monday, President Trump categorically condemned “racism, bigotry and white supremacy” and stated in no uncertain terms that “hate has no place in America.”
Dan Bongino Blasts Politicians Looking for Votes Amidst Tragic Mass Shooting
Former Secret Service agent and NYPD officer Dan Bongino said Monday that politicians using mass shootings to garner political support and blame President Trump is “sick and disturbing.”
Google’s Summit on Climate Change Attended by Stars in Private Jets
Google’s recent climate change conference – which was attended by Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, and other A-list stars – is being slammed as “hypocritical” by many. Following an Italian press report claiming that the Google Campers would flock to Sicily for a three-day, $20 million event in 114 private jets, social media users were quick to point out what they saw as a disconnect.
A Trump Supporter’s Top Takeaways from the Second Debate
Liz Peek: Not a single person on the stage at the CNN debate discussed how he or she might increase the incomes of Americans or how to create jobs. Instead, inspired by the fleeting success of Sen. Kalama Harris of California in the first round of debates, they all came armed to take down frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden.
The Race for the Dem Presidential Nomination Is Like a Crowded Freeway with a Lot of Drivers Going Somewhere Terrible
They all crowd into the far-left lane, thinking that’s the fastest way home. The problem is, that lane is now backed up, and engines are revving — going nowhere good. If only one or two candidates checked their side-view mirrors, saw that vacant middle lane, and hopped right in. They’d race right to the front.
Don’t Be Fooled — Most Dems Didn’t Care About Baltimore Until Trump’s Tweet
Tucker Carlson: Baltimore — the actual city of Baltimore, not the metaphor of Baltimore –could desperately use some attention. So it’s good news that it is finally getting some. If anything, Trump’s tweets underplay the crisis there.
Trump Is Right — Baltimore Mistreated by Elected Dems, Residents Deserve Better
Todd Starnes: Instead of addressing the blight and squalor in his congressional district, Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings has been taking cheap shots at Border Patrol agents and the Trump administration’s handling of the illegal immigrant invasion…God bless President Trump for standing up and speaking out on behalf of the forgotten in Maryland’s 7th Congressional district.
The Russian Hoax Is Over and It’s Time to Hold People Accountable for Years of Lies
Tucker Carlson: For two and a half years, some of the most powerful people in America — supposedly serious, well-educated people, very smart people — these people made wild and untrue and totally reckless allegations about issues critical to the life of this country, all on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.
If You Did a Shot of Booze Every Time Mueller Said “Could You Repeat the Question,” You’d Be Dead
Democrats wanted so badly for Mueller to give his report life. Instead, he took it to the woods and shot it.
Mueller Should Be Asked Why He Never Investigated Hillary’s Collusion with Russia
When Robert Mueller testifies Wednesday about what we now know are false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 presidential campaign, House members should ask him why he failed to investigate the real collusion that took place between Russia and the Hillary Clinton campaign.