That’s largely because President Obama’s signature legislative achievement hasn’t yielded the affordable care Democrats promised.
Publication: Fox News
Trump Was Right to Order Killing of Soleimani
It will make America safer.
Christian Persecution Is Real
But the New York Times and other media could care less.
Concealed-Permit Gun Holders Save Lives
And in today’s world, they and their weapons should be welcomed in churches and other houses of worship.
2019 Was American Journalism’s Worst Year Ever
It was marked by bias, hatred and incompetence in the left-wing media. From coverage of the phony Russia collusion narrative, to the hit job on Covington Catholic High School students, to the media-led impeachment fiasco, the year was one of unparalleled bias.
Dems Claim Most Americans Don’t Benefit from Booming Economy. But Voters Know They Do
The American people have a lot to celebrate this holiday season, thanks to the booming Trump economy – and polls prove they know it, despite the false claims of Democratic presidential candidates that only the rich are benefitting from President Trump’s policies.
The Real Reason So Many Christians Support Trump
Tucker Carlson: It’s because whatever his flaws, he’s made it clear that he’s not the enemy of Christians. In fact, under certain circumstances, he will protect Christians.
Rejoice in America’s Energy Boom and Don’t Let the Dems Take It Away in 2020
America in 2019, for the first time in 70 years, became an exporter of oil.
After 3 Years of Screeching About the Moral Necessity of Impeachment, Now Dems Don’t Want It
Tucker Carlson: Don’t worry — it was never about saving the republic or preserving the Constitution or any of that heavy stuff we told you before. Those long speeches about the framers? Just kidding, say Democrats.
Dems Voting to Impeach Trump Abuse Their Power and Bring Great Shame Upon House
The irresponsible votes of the Democrats to impeach President Trump were an attempt to nullify the votes of the 63 million Americans who cast ballots in 2016 to send him to the White House. This will be long-remembered by constituents who were sold a bill of goods in 2018 with false promises by Democratic congressional candidates about compromise and bipartisanship.
Can We Trust That the FBI Is No Longer Being Used as the Left’s Political Tool?
Tucker Carlson: The DOJ inspector general’s report destroyed Jim Comey’s credibility and many of the claims that he’s forwarded over the years.
Dems Pushing Impeachment Hoax Act Like US Is a Banana Republic
Impeachment has been another failed coup attempt by the left to block the peaceful transition of power.
Trump Impeachment Driven by Dems’ Evidence-Free Hysteria and Wild Allegations
From the moment Donald Trump was inaugurated, Washington Democrats have been myopically focused on politically targeting his administration and impeaching him.
Impeachment Is a Vicious Crime Against Voters Who Elected Trump President
The president has an airtight argument that he has not committed an offense that’s impeachable, according to the historic meaning of the term.
Trump-Russia Collusion Probe Shouldn’t Have Been Launched, Report from IG Shows
The report issued Monday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz exposes deeply disturbing and improper behavior by the Obama-era FBI that led to the investigation of non-existent collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.
Pelosi Guarantees Trump Reelection
Across the United States, tens of millions of Americans are furious that Donald Trump, a man they respect, has been bullied and bloodied by hate-filled, crazed political antagonists who mock him, lie shamelessly about his policies, obstruct his every move and, most disgusting of all, savagely demean his wife and children.
Pelosi Trapped by Lunatics to Her Left
Tucker Carlson: If Pelosi wants to prevent these people, her party’s deranged but faithful base, from staging an open rebellion, she has no choice but to continue with impeachment. And yet, there is a problem with that. As much as CNN President Jeff Zucker supports impeachment, normal people find the whole thing bizarre.
Impeachment Sham
Ed Rollins: I have never seen such naked, self-serving partisanship. Since Inauguration Day, impeachment has been the left’s primary agenda.
Trump’s Support from African-Americans Is Growing
Democrats make big promises to black voters in the run-up to every election, but too often those promises are forgotten once the polls close. In part that’s because Democrats just assume the vast majority of black people will vote Democratic.
Trump Is Gaining Black Voters and That Is Terrible News for Dems
Having tarred the president as a racist and bigot, liberals cannot imagine that even one African American could possibly choose to support him. They are in denial, and it could cost them the 2020 election.
Plot Against Trump Is Real — And Bigger Than Many Think
Newt Gingrich: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats’ tunnel-vision focus on impeaching President Trump puts all of us at risk.
Fired Navy Secretary’s Actions Prove a Deep State Anti-Trump Resistance Exists at Pentagon
Like it or not, Donald Trump is our duly elected president and the commander in chief of our military. Government workers and members of the military have an obligation to do their best to help the president govern, or to resign if they oppose his policies.
Harvard-Yale Game Climate Protests — What Was Really Accomplished
The virtue-signaling disruption at the football game will accomplish nothing. I think it’s safe to assume both Ivy League universities’ dorms will be toasty warm this winter and properly cooled come summer. Their students’ laptops will be fully charged and WiFi connected…The silliness of the Harvard-Yale football protest did succeed in raising some awareness. It made most of America aware that elites think they get to interrupt your life with their social justice posturing.