Tucker Carlson: The Democratic contest is now between Mike Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders.That’s a disaster for Democrats.
Publication: Fox News
Dems Gone Mad — Trump Investigations and Clueless Candidates
Can’t they see the endless attacks on the president have boosted his approval ratings, brought in a gusher of campaign cash and charged up his base?
After Trump’s Acquital, Maybe We Can Have Our Country Back
Tucker Carlson: If there’s any good news to come from impeachment, it’s that we now know what really matters to our leaders in Washington…is the nation of Ukraine, which is somewhere near Russia. As we’ve often been told these past five months, it is our highest and most sacred duty to support the people of Ukraine. And that includes giving them sophisticated weapons systems whenever they ask for them and never ever delaying the delivery of those weapons, even for a moment.
Dems Screw Up the Iowa Caucus, Then Blame the Media
Tucker Carlson: Did you ever suspect in your heart that liberals were basically disorganized and incompetent? The kind of people who hate their dads and leave dirty dishes in the sink and have crumbs in their beds? It turns out you had no idea. It’s so much worse than that. They’re a disaster.
Rush Limbaugh Is Our True North
There’s a reason every conservative leader wants Rush’s attention and favor. There’s a reason the left despises him. More than any man alive, from either side of the political divide, Rush penetrates. To listen to Rush is to understand the world. More, it’s to understand oneself.
Dem’s Impeachment Flop Sets Stage for Boffo State of Union Speech by Trump
The president can boast of so many successes and initiatives.
It’s Time to End the Schiff Show
Why on earth are we still here? So documented liars and conspiracy theorists like House manager Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and his power-thirsty Democratic colleagues can continue this endless fishing expedition against the president on the taxpayers’ dime?
Trump’s Conviction in Impeachment Trial Not Justified Even if Bolton Claims Are True
To remove Trump from office for merely discussing something with a senior aide is to turn Congress into the “thought police” where contemplation is tantamount to an impeachable offense.
CNN Mocks Tens of Millions of Trump Voters
Mike Huckabee: Liberals don’t really hate Donald Trump; they hate his supporters. President Trump just presents a more convenient target — most of the time. This weekend, never-Trump carnival barker Rick Wilson went on the least-watched of the big three cable news networks, CNN, to take another swing at the President’s supporters.
“Dis” Is CNN
Don Lemon panel on CNN faces intense backlash for mocking Trump supporter as illiterate “credulous rubes.”
Dems’ Case for Trump’s Impeachment Is So Thin, It Can Be Rebutted in Under 4 Minutes
Trump’s supporters say they won’t need the full 24 hours they’ve been given to counter Democrats’ arguments. Damn right.
Under Dems’ Trump Impeachment Justification, Lincoln Would’ve Been Impeached
History tells us that American presidents often take actions that advantage themselves politically. Indeed, one can argue that nearly all presidential decisions have some ancillary political calculation.
Schiff Takes His Star Turn at Trump’s Impeachment Trial and CNN and MSNBC Are in Bliss
Tucker Carlson: Imagine a movie written and directed by children whose ending you already know. And by the way, it’s 20 hours long, in Hungarian, with misspelled subtitles. That’s what watching President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial is like. We’ve been monitoring it anyway all day because that’s what we do. The star of the proceedings Wednesday was Congressman Adam Schiff, fittingly of Burbank, Calif.
The Impeachment Trial Is a Farce
Senator Marsha Washburn: No additional witnesses or documents are necessary for the impeachment trial. To admit them would be to legitimize Democrats’ caricature of fairness, and the continuation of a process that will never be more than a political farce.
Trump’s Impeachment Ringleaders Are Failing Their Districts
San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City and all of America deserve better than what today’s Democratic Party has to offer.
Americans Will Never Allow Bernie and Liz to Stomp on Our Freedoms
Beto O’Rourke learned the hard way what happens to candidates who want to restrict fundamental rights.
Why the 2020 Dem Primary Field Is Littered with the Failed Bids of Woke Candidates
Democrats still can’t seem to grasp the fact that identity politics remains a political loser.
CNN Tried to Destroy Bernie’s Campaign. They May Have Made Him the Dem Nominee
Tucker Carlson: CNN sides with Elizabeth Warren on a questionable sexism allegation against Bernie Sanders and now his supporters understand why Trump attacks the network so much.
During Debate, Candidates Fail to Address Key Issue of Illegal Immigration
The Democrats running for their party’s presidential nomination are running away from reality with their irresponsible positions on immigration and border security, moving further and further to the radical left and away from the views of most Americans in an unprecedented manner.
Dems Willing to Tank the Economy, Trash the Constitution and Empower Bullies to Defeat Trump
Over the last six months, it has become increasingly obvious there is no limit on how far Democrats and their media allies are willing to go to bring down President Trump.
Bloomberg Is Rich, Aloof and Imperious. Is This Really What the Dems Want for President?
The former mayor has placed a big bet that big bucks can overcome all.
“Trump’s Decisive Leadership Would Have Saved My Benghazi Team”
Mark Geist: I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against an assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics…In roughly the same amount of time it took to the Obama administration to get an unarmed American drone over our heads, more than 100 U.S. Marines were on the scene to defend the Baghdad embassy and two Apache helicopter gunships were in the air asserting American sovereignty.
Trump Had No Legal Right to Order Killing of Soleimani
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can the president legally kill a person not engaged in an act of violence because of what the person might do in the future? In a word: No.
Swift US Response Needed to Iranian Missile Attack
Cory Mills: As we wait to see how the U.S. will respond to Iran’s firing of up to 15 ballistic missiles at American troops in Iraq early Wednesday, I want to thank President Trump for making difficult decisions to protect Americans around the world, such as his order to kill Iranian terrorist Gen. Qassem Soleimani on Friday.