An emergency proposal to protect the American people from the coronavirus by quickly sending illegal immigrants and asylum seekers who cross our southern border back to Mexico should be approved as a short-term response to the pandemic.
Publication: Fox News
Can Trump Use Coronavirus to Delay 2020 Election?
Under our Constitution, the executive branch has no authority whatsoever to delay, reschedule or otherwise change the federal election in November, much less any of the remaining state primaries. On the other hand, Congress and the states do have that authority.
Trump’s Coronavirus National Emergency Declaration Helps Mobilize Nation
President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency Friday to deal with the coronavirus pandemic is anything but a sign to panic. Instead, it’s a reassurance to the American people.
Attacking Trump Coronavirus Response Hurt Economy. They Shouldn’t Politicize Crisis
Americans will recoil from the ugly blame game Democrats are playing.
Trump Coronavirus Response Protects America
Showing strong and effective leadership when we need it most, President Trump addressed the nation Wednesday night and unveiled a two-pronged program of health and economic actions to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
The Coronavirus Will Get Worse and Our Leaders Need to Stop Lying About That
Tucker Carlson: People you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem….The effects of coronavirus will be far more disruptive than they are right now. That is not a guess; it is inevitable no matter what they’re telling you.
Don’t Panic About Coronavirus Otherwise the Poorest Americans Will Suffer
These people canceling South by Southwest…are not going to suffer. The people who will be really hurt are the workers in the hotels, the bars, the food trucks. Who’s going to take care of them while the tech workers lounge around at home, ordering Uber Eats on their stupid iPhones?
Elizabeth Warren’s Failed Candidacy Shows She Couldn’t Outrun Her Many Lies
Despite her attempts to portray herself as a less-unhinged version of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Warren is actually just a less warm, less appealing, and less honest version of Hillary Clinton. The real question isn’t why her campaign failed, but why it didn’t implode sooner.
Europe No Longer Welcoming Refugees as Some May Carry Coronavirus
Once again, refugees from the Middle East are clamoring to get into Europe. But this time, unlike in 2015, there is no consensus to let them.
After Super Tuesday, Bernie and Biden Go to War Peddling Failed Policies
Super Tuesday’s mixed bag of results leave no doubt that the next three months will be an extremely bumpy ride for the Democrats. Both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are deeply flawed candidates running against an incumbent president with a long list of consequential accomplishments under his belt.
Coronavirus Crisis Shows Members of the Left Are the Kings and Queens of Catastrophe
Facts and the science don’t matter to the left. They need catastrophe for their twin obsessions – growing the government and hating Trump.
Dems Play Politics with Coronavirus While Trump Works to Protect Americans
The coronavirus has yet again exposed the strong contrast between President Trump – who is working ardently for the American people – and a Democratic Party with little interest in anything besides taking him down.
US Is Vulnerable to Coronavirus Because Libs Care More About Identity Politics Than Your Life
Tucker Carlson: CNN warned that the real threat of coronavirus was racism against Asians. During Wednesday night’s press conference, a The New York Times writer complained that the presentation was “only one woman on stage surrounded by nearly nine white men.” If there was ever a time to drop that dumb and dangerous tick, it’s now as an epidemic bears down in our country. But they can’t stop doing it, and they won’t. Because in the end, they care more about identity politics than they care about your life.
Hillary Took More Cash from Harvey Weinstein Than Any Other Democrat
Federal Election Commission filings show the disgraced movie mogul bundled $1.4 million for Clinton during her presidential bid in 2016 and handed her another $73,390 dating back to her 1999 New York Senate seat run.
Bernie Is a Lifelong Communist. Dems Have No Gatekeepers
Ben Shapiro: There is hardly a single communist regime of the past half-century for which Sanders has not expressed some level of moral support.
Conservative Students Should Reject Liberal Academia’s Intolerance
It’s time for conservatives to get tough and fight back against the liberal monopoly on higher education.
Bernie’s Socialism Has Won. Dems Fully Embrace His Agenda
Sanders’ democratic socialist ideas have become the central and consistent message of his rivals for the Democratic nomination.
Stone’s Sentence Proves Barr Was Right and Prosecutors Were Wrong
The signers of the online petition, calling for Barr to be banished from the Department of Justice, are a shameful example of a “rush to judgment” by lawyers who should know better. They assumed incorrectly that President Trump had pressured or directed his attorney general to revise the sentencing recommendation despite no evidence that political interference had actually occurred.
Debating Dems Have No Plans to Boost Wages and Grow Jobs
The presidential candidate debate Wednesday night showed that Democrats simply have no idea how to defeat President Trump in the November election – and their frustration was on full display.
China Is a Dangerous Enemy and Leaders Like Bloomberg Have Abetted Them and Betrayed Us
Tucker Carlson: China is no longer simply an economic rival of the United States. But instead of protecting us from this existential threat, our leadership class collaborates with them.
Bloomberg Is Trying to Buy the Presidency
Tucker Carlson: He’s not running on ideas. He’s not trying to convince voters of anything…It’s the single most cynical political campaign ever run in this country. Bloomberg is trying to subvert our democracy with cash, and he is going all-in to do it.
Why the Roger Stone Case Should Horrify You
Tucker Carlson: Nine years in jail for lying — that’s what prosecutors have demanded that Roger Stone receive. How disproportionate is that sentence? Let’s put it this way: James Clapper and John Brennan are both confirmed perjurers. They did it in public. They will never be prosecuted. At this moment, they’re getting rich on television.
Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Died of Wokeness
Tucker Carlson: Warren fell apart for the same reason that Beto O’Rourke did. Because, in place of a message – an actual message that unites people around ideas and policies – she went all-in on “wokeness” – all-in.
Bernie’s Victory Shows Left-Wing Radicals Are Pushing Dems in Dangerous Direction
Results of Tuesday’s New Hampshire Democratic primary provide little clarity in the crowded race for the party’s presidential nomination that is being dominated by socialism, chaos and a pathetic field of left-wing candidates.