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US Is Vulnerable to Coronavirus Because Libs Care More About Identity Politics Than Your Life

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: CNN warned that the real threat of coronavirus was racism against Asians. During Wednesday night’s press conference, a The New York Times writer complained that the presentation was “only one woman on stage surrounded by nearly nine white men.” If there was ever a time to drop that dumb and dangerous tick, it’s now as an epidemic bears down in our country. But they can’t stop doing it, and they won’t. Because in the end, they care more about identity politics than they care about your life.

Stone’s Sentence Proves Barr Was Right and Prosecutors Were Wrong

Fox News

The signers of the online petition, calling for Barr to be banished from the Department of Justice, are a shameful example of a “rush to judgment” by lawyers who should know better. They assumed incorrectly that President Trump had pressured or directed his attorney general to revise the sentencing recommendation despite no evidence that political interference had actually occurred.

Bloomberg Is Trying to Buy the Presidency

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: He’s not running on ideas. He’s not trying to convince voters of anything…It’s the single most cynical political campaign ever run in this country. Bloomberg is trying to subvert our democracy with cash, and he is going all-in to do it.

Why the Roger Stone Case Should Horrify You

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Nine years in jail for lying — that’s what prosecutors have demanded that Roger Stone receive. How disproportionate is that sentence? Let’s put it this way: James Clapper and John Brennan are both confirmed perjurers. They did it in public. They will never be prosecuted. At this moment, they’re getting rich on television.