Tucker Carlson: Institutional feminism is fake. It was never about women or believing women. They don’t believe women. They don’t care about women. They care about power…That’s why Kirsten Gillibrand is friends with Biden.
Publication: Fox News
Hillary’s Endorsement of Biden Is Bad News for Trump
Democrats are uniting to defeat him.
Rich Colleges Seeking Coronavirus Handouts Deserve “F”
Tucker Carlson: We need better laws. Not a single cent ever should be spent making rich universities even richer. They do enough harm to this country.
Trump Suspension of Immigration Over Coronavirus Will Protect Our Health, Jobs and Wages
President Trump is acting properly and justifiably to temporarily suspend immigration to the U.S. for at least 60 days in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
Missouri Files Suit Against China for Enormous Consequences of Coronavirus Deceit
Missouri became the first state to file a lawsuit against China on Tuesday, accusing the country of being responsible for the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and seeking damages to make up for “the enormous loss of life, human suffering, and economic turmoil” resulting from the disease.
“Stay Inside and Save Lives” — Actual Science Suggests Otherwise, But Politicians Don’t Care
Tucker Carlson: The average politician has no incentive to follow the science and thus let the public outside.
Sources Believe Coronavirus Outbreak Originated in Wuhan Lab
There is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory, though not as a bioweapon but as part of China’s attempt to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China’s government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.
For Michigan Governor Whitmer in the Coronavirus Crisis, It’s All About Power
Tucker Carlson: Gov. Whitmer wants to be the vice president. She wants to be chosen by Joe Biden. That’s pretty clear, and she has calculated there is no penalty for petty authoritarianism. In fact, petty authoritarianism might make even mediocre politicians look strong and decisive. That’s her bet. She’s willing to destroy the people in her state in exchange.
How to Open America Safely But Soon
Anyone pushing the recurring shutdown idea has no clue about how the economy actually works. Uncertainty is a killer for business, for consumers and for workers. We need to reopen and stay open.
What Exactly Is Biden’s Position on the Pandemic?
Tucker Carlson: What matters in moments like this are the big things, and at the top of that list is who should lead this world going forward? Should it be the United States or should it be the government of China? Anyone who has trouble answering that question probably won’t be the president.
We Must Ask the Experts How They Screwed Up the Coronavirus Models So Badly
Tucker Carlson: Before we go ahead and alter our lives and our country forever, it is fair to ask about the coronavirus numbers — their numbers, the ones we acted on the first time that turned out to be completely wrong.
There Has to Be a More Balanced Course on Coronavirus Than the One We’re on
Tucker Carlson: It’s time to start caring about the entire population during the coronavirus crisis. Healthy people are suffering badly, too.
Governor Cuomo Must Stop Denying New Yorkers Hydroxychloroquine
Sean Hannity: Because of an executive order issued by the Democratic governor, any new prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine must go through the already overrun hospital system. This makes no sense…The federal government has tens of millions of doses and has made millions of doses available to the New York governor.
Pelosi Attack on Trump Coronavirus Response Is False and Ignores All He’s Done
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “as the president fiddles, people are dying.” That’s not true and the evidence shows she;s wrong about Trump’s coronavirus response.
The Press Should Start Seeking Answers Instead of Attention.
Non-essential bozos with blue checkmarks mocked MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on social media. While these turds snarked away, Lindell was converting his business to make 50,000 face masks daily. So laugh all you want. The object of your ridicule will save lives.
Stop Lying to Us and Tell the Truth About the Shortage of Medical Masks
Tucker Carlson: The government has told us dumb lies about the medical mask shortage from the start of the coronavirus outbreak…But stop lying to us. It makes us cynical. It divides the country. Tell the truth. We can handle it.
Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Crisis Shows America What Real Leadership Looks Like
Lara Trump: Every American can be confident that the president’s top priority is to keep our families safe and healthy. When we defeat COVID-19 in the United States, our president is the one leader who will ensure that our economy will come roaring back.
Trump Can Defeat Coronavirus, Save Economy and Turn Disaster into American Victory
If Trump exhibits cunning and wisdom, then he can balance the consensus of his medical experts that the virus is existentially dangerous with the warnings of his economic advisers that shutting down a multitrillion economy can become even more ruinous — and lethal — for Americans.
The Biggest Threats Likely Facing America Once the Coronavirus Passes
Tucker Carlson: The middle class could be wiped out by what we’re watching right now. The service industry, middle management, small business, independent contractors — people like those who make this country work and more importantly, they keep it stable. And they are the ones in deepest peril. A lasting hit to the middle class would be a catastrophe for everyone, rich or poor.
While Americans Worry About Dying from Coronavirus, Dems Focus on Identity Politics
Tucker Carlson: In this fearful time, we need altruism. But some members of Congress are focused on saving their own investment portfolios or making stupid partisan points or indulging their creepy ideological obsessions.
Pandemic May End Sooner Than We Expect
There is one thing we know that may bring solace: there will be an end to this pandemic and – if we take advantage of the most promising drug options available today – the end may come sooner than most think.
Hannity to Biden: Stop Fundraising Off and Politicizing the Coronavirus
Sean Hannity: As the country comes together to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, Joe Biden seems to think that it was all President Trump’s fault.
Coronavirus Has Exposed the Higher Education Establishment Charade
Tucker Carlson: An entire nation has just been shown that it’s possible to deliver higher education in an entirely different way. You don’t have to drive to campus, buy textbooks, pay for room and board in order to get an education. You can do the whole thing online.
Coronavirus Fear Lets Government Assault Our Freedom in Violation of Constitution
The fulfillment of totalitarian impulses has put more than 1 million folks out of work, closed thousands of businesses and impaired the fundamental rights of tens of millions of persons – all in violation of numerous sections of the Constitution.