Donald Trump, Jr.: Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is utterly confused about law and order — and the American people are starting to take notice.
Publication: Fox News
Biden-Dem November Sweep Would Destroy Country
Here is what should alarm patriotic Americans: if Democrats capture the White House and the Senate in November, as some of Wall Street’s biggest players are now betting, the far Left – think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes — will be in charge. This is not an exaggeration.
Chicago Needs Federal Help to Stop Senseless Killings
Tucker Carlson: Overall, so far this year, 2,150 people have been shot in the city of Chicago. That is the equivalent of more than 13 fully loaded Boeing 737s…This is a disaster no matter what Mayor Lori Lightfoot claims, Chicago needs help from somewhere.
If Trump and Labor Unions Team Up, Election Could Be Turned Upside Down
All in all, Democrats in 2020 offer a hard-left agenda that ought to worry workers of every color, creed and industry, including those belonging to unions.
A Long-Needed Conservative Movie Studio Is Being Created to Counter Far-Left Hollywood
The cancel culture has come for conservative and Christian voices. And heaven help anyone in Hollywood who supports President Trump. Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. is out to change that. Sabato, remembered for a congressional run and his role on “General Hospital,” on Thursday announced a way to fight back…He’s starting a conservative movie studio.
Bari Weiss’s NY Times Exit Shows Stifling Political Correctness Left Wants. Don’t Let Them Win
Sen. Tom Cotton: The media is just the latest prize in the left’s long march through elite cultural institutions.
Reopen Our Schools or Give Us Our Money Back
If your child’s school won’t open this fall, demand your money back so you can find an alternative. It’s your child. It’s your tax dollars. Why should you pay for a service you’re not getting?
If You Believe Black Lives Matter, Support More Police Funding
Demands by some to defund or disband police departments around the nation will only lead to increased crime and the loss of more innocent lives, including Black lives.
Who’s Opposed to Kids Going Back to Schools?
Tucker Carlson: Take a guess. The teachers unions. The teachers unions’ position on every question is always the same. They would like less work, no accountability, and much more pay.
Drew Brees’ Detractors Largely Silent Over DeSean Jackson’s Anti-Semitic Social Media Posts
Drew Brees received visceral backlash last month for his stance on kneeling during the national anthem. Now, those who spoke out against the New Orleans Saints quarterback have remained largely silent when it comes to DeSean Jackson’s anti-Semitic posts on Instagram.
Trump Right to Highlight Danger Leftist Radicals Pose to America
President Trump celebrated America’s independence and our nation’s 244th birthday Friday night with stirring speech at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota calling attention to serious threats America faces here at home from radical lawbreakers.
What Holiday Should Be Canceled Next?
Tucker Carlson: Obviously, July 4th, will be first on the list as anyone at The New York Times can tell you, America is inherently racist and therefore celebrating independence is no less racist. And then of course Presidents’ Day. Officially, Presidents’ Day is Washington’s birthday and as you just heard, he is evil — too evil have a statue, so how can have a holiday? And by the way, every single president has been a man.
If Biden Wins, Snarling, Vicious Media Watchdogs Will Transform into Cuddly Little Lapdogs
The elite media pretend it’s preposterous that there’s a vast difference between their treatment of Republicans and Democrats. They need to watch Biden’s puffball press conference from yesterday again. By their softball questions, the press is signaling this question: And what can we do to help?
Don’t Underestimate Trump: Here’s How Voters Will Judge This Historic Presidency
It’s hardly been a perfect performance and definitely not pretty to watch. But in fact, Trump has been doing the jobs that FDR, Ronald Reagan and Harry Truman each had to do, all at once.
The Angry Children Toppling Statues Are Not Protestors — And Are Utterly Stupid
Tucker Carlson: There’s probably never been a dumber group gathered in one place in all of American history. They are mouth breathers. They know nothing….They’re working to overthrow our system of government. They’re trying to put themselves in power.
The Mob Tearing Down America’s Monuments Is an Arm of the Dem Establishment
Tucker Carlson: Democratic politicians don’t fear the mob. Notice that? Why? Because they don’t need to. They control the mob. The mob operates with their permission. These are their foot soldiers. This is their militia.
Here’s Who to Blame for Our “Cancel Culture”
It comes from college campuses, fueled by young people and abetted by an older generation that has not had the courage to say no.
Why a Second Trump Term Is So Important
We have to show that Trump’s election was not a short-term aberration, but the start of a long-term change to right the wrongs of the establishment’s 50 years of failure. Their ideology of open borders, globalism and endless war devastated working people and the American dream.
John Bolton’s Lies Are the Ultimate Betrayal
It is a shame that someone with a distinguished career like Bolton would be so wrapped up in his own ego over being fired that he would gaslight the president with clear lies.
The Rayshard Brooks Case Is More Than a Fatal Shooting. It’s Also About Whether Mob Justice Rules
Tucker Carlson: Officer Rolfe is facing the death penalty. He has been charged by DA Paul Howard who is under political pressure to prosecute. The mob wants vengeance. Will they commit violence if he’s not charged? That has to be weighing on the DA who is facing a runoff election soon. He is also being investigated for sexual harassment and for stealing money from a nonprofit.
Google and Big Tech Are the Chief Threats to Our Liberties and No One Is Protecting Us
Tucker Carlson: Google is acting directly to shape what people can say and what they’re allowed to speak. It’s a direct effort to stifle free speech.
Anti-Trump Media Coverage of President Amounts to Free Advertising for Biden
Anti-Trump partisans in the media hope their nightly onslaughts demoralize Trump voters and energize Biden backers. But to many Americans, this is not journalism. It’s badly disguised campaign advertising.
Voters Tired of Trump’s Failures and Angry Tweets
Millions of Americans are fed up with divider-in-chief Donald Trump and the awful job he’s done dealing with the coronavirus pandemic that has killed over 113,000 Americans and protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police – among his many failures.
Defund Police? Dems Lead List of Those Taking Cash from Police Unions
The top two recipients of contributions from police groups in the Senate are Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. The top two in the House are Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J., and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.