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An Open Letter to the Kennedys Who Turned on RFK Jr.

By Tammy Bruce: Despite the questionable establishment of your family’s wealth, the womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne,, allegations of rape, your family has stayed loyal to family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves.

The Cover-Up, the Coup and Kamala

What Kamala Harris says over the next three months as she rhetorically tries to tack to the middle does not much matter. She and her party are from and for the American Left’s vision for the United States.

The Election May Already Be Over

Trump may well have sealed the outcome of the 2024 election with a performance on Thursday night in Milwaukee that has largely been unmatched in recent American political history.