Juan Williams: Seventy-six percent support the need for the government to put money into support for Medicaid home care for the elderly and disabled, according to the Morning Consult/Politico poll. And 71% said having Medicare negotiate the price of prescription drugs, also in the bill, is a good idea.
Publication: Fox News
Biden’s Covid Policies Are the Muscle Spasms of a Dying Political Party
Tucker Carlson: Regimes in decline often become ruthless and dangerous, and that’s very bad news for Americans.
White House Ripped for Doomsday Winter Message of “Severe Illness and Death” for Unvaccinated People
The White House was viciously mocked by critics over its messaging that unvaccinated Americans would experience a winter of “severe illness and death” due to the omicron variant of the coronavirus.
CNN’s Suggested 2024 Presidential Candidates Prove They’re Out of Touch with America
Tucker Carlson: CNN’s proposed candidates are designed to please only the average dingbat trustafarian in Bozeman.
Liz Cheney Is Lying to You About Jan. 6
Tucker Carlson: So the texts that Liz Cheney read aloud yesterday were a tribute to the people who wrote them, but because she is a liar, Liz Cheney attempted to twist these texts into proof of some kind of conspiracy. Part of the insurrection storyline, which, by the way, is getting very old. If Jan. 6 was an insurrection, we’ll believe anything, where’s the evidence of that?
This Is the Definition of a Manufactured Threat
Tucker Carlson: Omicron is incredibly dangerous, we’re told, dangerous enough to justify a total suspension of our ancient civil liberties for the first time in hundreds of years. But here’s the amazing thing, Omicron appears to be virtually harmless. In the entire world, there is one recorded death from omicron.
Biden, Fauci Assume the Worst with Omicron Instead of Making Rational, Scientific Decisions
The default solution for big government types like Biden and Fauci is always more rules, more regulation and less of your liberty.
The Worse You Feel About America, the Better CNN Does
Greg Gutfeld: CNN is not about ratings, it’s about reach. Meaning that the network exists only to create angry clips of fake news which they then disperse on the internet, where its influence is really peddled.
Waukesha Christmas Parade Mass Murder Coverage Is Low Point in American Journalism
Newt Gingrich: We are witnessing a disgraceful act of deliberate false reporting and misinformation by the national media to protect a political ideology.
Tyranny Is Coming Unless Someone Stops Dems’ Power Grab
Tucker Carlson: Biden’s reaction to the new Covid variant is nothing near science.
We’re in for a Whole New Pandemic
Tucker Carlson: Omicron has caused existential terror, and will inevitably lead to more lockdowns for those who refuse to get the vaccine.
CNN Says It Will Seek “Additional Clarity” Amid Chris Cuomo Revelations from NY AG Probe
Calls for the “Cuomo Prime Time” anchor’s firing continue to grow.
As Omicron Threatens U.S., Is Biden Up to the Task?
Nearly everything Biden says and does confirms growing doubts about his ability to lead this nation.
The GOP Is Looking at a Truly Historic Opportunity in 2022
Voters are rejecting Democrats’ ideas on education, the economy, the border, crime, you name it.
Rittenhouse Verdict Makes Sense If You Ignore Biased Trial Coverage on MSNBC, CNN
If Americans actually watched the homicide trial of Kyle Rittenhouse and did not listen to the biased and hyperbolic coverage on MSNBC and CNN, they understood completely Friday’s “not guilty” verdicts on all criminal charges.
Why Did People in Charge Let Kenosha Be Destroyed?
Tucker Carlson: There are hundreds of National Guard troops assembled in Kenosha. Why are they there? Well, they’ve come in case Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted. Not in case he’s convicted, in case he’s acquitted. At which point if he is acquitted, pretty much everyone expects the usual mobs of Joe Biden voters to burn and loot and destroy.
Media and Big Tech Lied About Rittenhouse Case
Tucker Carlson: You have no right to resist. That’s the whole point of this whole proceeding. So the next time BLM sweeps into your town, your neighborhood, your house to burn and loot and brandish weapons, you had better not try to protect yourself or you will be charged with murder. And while we’re at it, we’ll have the national media call you racist.
Parents’ Bill of Rights Needed to Combat Left’s Indoctrination of Students
Sen. Josh Hawley: The Left’s concerted effort to silence parents’ speech and ridicule their concerns is dangerous.
By the Time Rittenhouse Testified, He Already Won the Case
Tucker Carlson: There is no remaining doubt that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.
Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Threatens Our National Security
Rep. Devin Nunes, Chris Stewart: President Biden plans to fire a significant number of intelligence officers who will not comply with his vaccine mandate in less than one month. This decision-making is beyond partisan – it’s outright dangerous.
Manchin Is Right to Call Out the Far-Left’s Fiscal Irresponsibility and Budgetary Chicanery
The radical, extremist direction in which the Democratic Party is heading is as unpopular with the American people as it is with Joe Manchin.
Boebert Celebrates GOP Win with Her Own Version of AOC’s Met Gala Dress
Rep. Lauren Boebert, the Colorado Republican, took to Twitter to apparently show the new fashion trend after this week’s elections. She mocked AOC’s “Tax the Rich” dress that the Democrat wore to the Met Gala in September. Boebert’s dress read, “Let’s Go, Brandon.”
What an Amazing Message Sent by American Voters
Greg Gutfeld: Parents had enough of destructive racist wokism, the involuntary indoctrination of their kids, the ideological, robotic brainwash forced in all facets of life.
Biden, Dems Will Learn Nothing from Shocking Election Upsets
If Joe Biden was a strong leader, he could retake control of his party and pivot toward the center.