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Liz Cheney Is Lying to You About Jan. 6

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: So the texts that Liz Cheney read aloud yesterday were a tribute to the people who wrote them, but because she is a liar, Liz Cheney attempted to twist these texts into proof of some kind of conspiracy. Part of the insurrection storyline, which, by the way, is getting very old. If Jan. 6 was an insurrection, we’ll believe anything, where’s the evidence of that?

This Is the Definition of a Manufactured Threat

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Omicron is incredibly dangerous, we’re told, dangerous enough to justify a total suspension of our ancient civil liberties for the first time in hundreds of years. But here’s the amazing thing, Omicron appears to be virtually harmless. In the entire world, there is one recorded death from omicron.

Why Did People in Charge Let Kenosha Be Destroyed?

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: There are hundreds of National Guard troops assembled in Kenosha. Why are they there? Well, they’ve come in case Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted. Not in case he’s convicted, in case he’s acquitted. At which point if he is acquitted, pretty much everyone expects the usual mobs of Joe Biden voters to burn and loot and destroy.

Media and Big Tech Lied About Rittenhouse Case

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: You have no right to resist. That’s the whole point of this whole proceeding. So the next time BLM sweeps into your town, your neighborhood, your house to burn and loot and brandish weapons, you had better not try to protect yourself or you will be charged with murder. And while we’re at it, we’ll have the national media call you racist.