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Biden’s Supreme Court Promise Based on Identity Politics Will End in Tribal Warfare

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: So, Biden will nominate a Black woman. Great, she’ll represent about seven percent of the population. But where’s Biden’s Pacific Islander nominee? Mazie Hirono, is probably writing an outrageous letter about that right now. And why isn’t there an American Indian on the court or a genderqueer or someone from the chronic fatigue syndrome community?

Mainstream Media Is Turning on Biden

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: For nearly a year Joe Biden stayed home hiding in terror from infectious voters. Instead, he let news organizations make his case for him. The media hid Biden’s faults, they censored his critics. They gave no hint at all that you might be electing a senile mannequin with a history of sleazy behavior. Voters had no clue, they didn’t know who Joe Biden actually was. And yet suddenly, news organizations have decided to tell them.

The Out-of-Touch Media Should Be Glad Americans Haven’t Caught on to Them

Fox News

Greg Gutfeld: Forgive us, CNN, if Americans don’t really want any part of your messaging. You’re kind of creeping us out at this point. You’re the cable version of the guy who hangs out at the playground but didn’t bring any kids, and when you ask him why he’s there, he says something like, “Hey, I’ve always been fascinated by the monkey bars.” Oh, then you ask him, “Which kid is his?” He says, “I wish they all were.”

Why Are We Still Talking About Jan. 6?

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Jan. 6, barely rates as a footnote, really, not a lot happened that day. If you think about it, the presidential election was not overturned, the Capitol was not destroyed. The government wasn’t toppled. No matter what you may have heard, not a single elected official was injured, thank God.

What Our Leaders Have Done to Young People Is Unforgiveable

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Imagine wearing a mask to second grade. Imagine never seeing your teacher’s face or watching your friends laugh. Imagine being older. Imagine spending junior year of high school alone in your room with only the internet for company. What would happen to you? You’d be badly damaged. Kids in America have been badly damaged.