Every American should be worried about the Covid Generation. Over the past two years, our country’s children have lost a huge part of their education – and are now at risk of losing their futures.
Publication: Fox News
Liberal Media Outlets Completely Avoid Study Finding Covid Lockdowns Ineffective
There has been a full-on media blackout of the new study outlining the ineffectiveness of lockdowns to prevent Covid deaths. According to a Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of several studies, lockdowns during the first COVID wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced Covid mortality by .2% in the U.S. and Europe.
Health Experts Respond to Neil Young’s Stance on GMOs After Anti-Science Hit on Joe Rogan
Canadian-American musician Neil Young has suggested podcast host Joe Rogan is anti-science, yet the singer has lately been accused of the same as critics dig up his history of advocating against genetically modified crops (GMOs).
Sean Hannity: “If You Don’t Like What Whoopi Said, Change the Channel”
Sean Hannity denounced censorship and cancel culture in a searing opening monologue last night.
Apple’s “Pregnant Man” Emoji Part of Big Tech’s Strange Fixation on Gaslighting Us
We are being told by Apple that a new emoji depicting a “pregnant man” is being released in the next iPhone update.
Biden’s Presidency Reset a Dud Already
Poor Joe Biden. Nothing seems to move the needle. His approval ratings are still stuck in the mud and neither the president nor his team seems able to turn around the Titanic.
Biden’s Weak-Kneed Appeasement Provokes Putin and America’s Enemies
Within days of taking office, President Joe Biden’s campaign-trail veneer of tough-talking Russia hawk melted away to reveal a weak-kneed appeaser unwilling to constrain the Russian bear. Today, Russia may be on the brink of invading Ukraine because President Biden’s weakness has emboldened Vladimir Putin.
Biden’s Supreme Court Promise Based on Identity Politics Will End in Tribal Warfare
Tucker Carlson: So, Biden will nominate a Black woman. Great, she’ll represent about seven percent of the population. But where’s Biden’s Pacific Islander nominee? Mazie Hirono, is probably writing an outrageous letter about that right now. And why isn’t there an American Indian on the court or a genderqueer or someone from the chronic fatigue syndrome community?
Biden Is Incapable of Meeting the Dangers from Putin and Xi Who Smell Weakness
Newt Gingrich: The United States is confronting a pair of ruthless dictatorships in two potential collisions that could change history and leave Americans at enormous risk.
NBC News Boss Says Network Isn’t in the “Advocacy Journalism” Business, But Coverage Suggests Otherwise
Peacock Network’s biggest stars have made headlines with partisan rhetoric, slanted coverage.
Everything Biden Has Touched Has Fallen Apart
Rep. Brian Mast: In one year, everything that President Biden has touched has fallen apart. The United States today is less secure, less prosperous and less free than it was on January 19, 2021.
Biden Gave a Command Performance at His Press Conference
Kevin Walling: Biden was forceful, direct, self-deprecating and earnest on Wednesday.
“Biden Is the Worst President of My Lifetime”
Will Cain: After a year of incompetence and malevolence, Biden may be the worst president in American history.
Mainstream Media Is Turning on Biden
Tucker Carlson: For nearly a year Joe Biden stayed home hiding in terror from infectious voters. Instead, he let news organizations make his case for him. The media hid Biden’s faults, they censored his critics. They gave no hint at all that you might be electing a senile mannequin with a history of sleazy behavior. Voters had no clue, they didn’t know who Joe Biden actually was. And yet suddenly, news organizations have decided to tell them.
MLK’s Dream Is Alive But Liberal Policies Are Destroying Black Communities
What has happened to the American Black family is not the dream King had and is nothing short of cultural genocide.
Mainstream Media Flip-Flop on Covid Messaging Is Two Years Too Late
The media has joined Americans opposed to school closures and lockdowns.
The Out-of-Touch Media Should Be Glad Americans Haven’t Caught on to Them
Greg Gutfeld: Forgive us, CNN, if Americans don’t really want any part of your messaging. You’re kind of creeping us out at this point. You’re the cable version of the guy who hangs out at the playground but didn’t bring any kids, and when you ask him why he’s there, he says something like, “Hey, I’ve always been fascinated by the monkey bars.” Oh, then you ask him, “Which kid is his?” He says, “I wish they all were.”
Why Are We Still Talking About Jan. 6?
Tucker Carlson: Jan. 6, barely rates as a footnote, really, not a lot happened that day. If you think about it, the presidential election was not overturned, the Capitol was not destroyed. The government wasn’t toppled. No matter what you may have heard, not a single elected official was injured, thank God.
Don’t Fear Omicron. It Will Burn Out
With our own leaders deeply conflicted and continuing to uselessly blame the unvaccinated, we need to become our own leaders against fear. Preparation takes the place of panic.
What Our Leaders Have Done to Young People Is Unforgiveable
Tucker Carlson: Imagine wearing a mask to second grade. Imagine never seeing your teacher’s face or watching your friends laugh. Imagine being older. Imagine spending junior year of high school alone in your room with only the internet for company. What would happen to you? You’d be badly damaged. Kids in America have been badly damaged.
Biden’s First Year the Worst Since Jimmy Carter
The midterms will be the cure for buyer’s remorse.
Biden’s First Year Was a Bust
Here’s how bad things are for Joe Biden: the White House is pumping out stories about the new First Puppy as frantically as a fire brigade dousing a raging inferno.
Biden’s Sluggishness Invites Chinese, Russian Aggression
President Joe Biden and his teamm are slow to react to events, which may have deadly consequences as Russia prepares to invade Ukraine and China’s ramps up military practice runs to conquer Taiwan.
Christmas Without Rush Limbaugh
This is our first Christmas without Rush Limbaugh, and for millions of us it is a terrible void.