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AOC Is a Stooge

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: Sandy Cortez — aka AOC — may hate White people, seems like she does, but that doesn’t mean she’s progressive, much less liberal in any meaningful sense. No, she’s the opposite. Turns out she’s just another stooge like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, a willing tool of soulless corporate power who always side with Google, JPMorgan and Raytheon against the working people she claims to represent.

Tulsi Gabbard Dared to Question Permanent Washington’s Foreign Policy

Fox News

Tucker Carlson: In 2016, Tulsi Gabbard decided to talk to Trump about U.S. policy toward Syria, a country that, again, Gabbard was virtually alone in pointing out has an awful lot of Christians in it, so maybe we should pay attention. Whether she knew it or not, her career as a rising star within the Democratic Party came to a complete, abrupt and final halt.

RNC Says Google Suppressed 22 Million Fundraising Emails

Fox News

The Republican National Committee (RNC) says Google is suppressing get-out-the-vote and fundraising emails by sending millions of GOP election emails to users’ Gmail spam folders. According to RNC officials, emails being sent by the RNC to Republican subscribers who use Gmail accounts in the final days of each month are being sent to spam folders.